
  • RT @MariekeRakt: I wrote down my feelings about the whole #yoastcon- situation. My feelings, my view on the matter, not stating that this i…

  • I’m out of Borg cube jokes. #YoastCon

  • Interesting: @yoast now getting live indexing for @Bing and @Google. yoast.com/live-indexing-… #YoastCon

  • “I wish page builders would be more involved in the #Gutenberg discussion.” @OmarReiss @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • “Economics of hosting at $5 a month… if those hosts have to support/with #Gutenberg and it’s UI with customers – that’s not going to work well for them.” @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • “.@drupal is technically a better CMS but it’s unusable for the common user. WordPress though has a superior power of usability and community.” @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • “Most people don’t realize (in a positive way) how good it is for WordPress to be hackable, with easy to make plugins.” @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • “We’ve talked w/ hosts. They said that if #Gutenberg comes out too early we’ll disable it because it’ll crash our support departments.” @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • “Pre and post publishing experiences in #Gutenberg will be especially helpful to convey #SEO warnings/tips.” @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • “Blocks alone in #Gutenberg won’t leapfrog other editors. Collaborative editing for example, could.” @omarReiss #yoastCon

  • “Intergration for other #SEO plugins & plugins in general for #Gutenberg will be difficult because most are small teams.” @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • “IMO #Gutenberg will be ready at the end in 2018, not the end of 2017.” @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • “.@yoast mostly agrees with the technical aspects of #Gutenberg now.” @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • “Regarding #SEO it worries me when people have ability to create more than text, because that’s what Google gets.” @jdevalk #YoastCon

  • .@omarreiss @jdevalk on stage right now at #YoastCon talking about “Future of WordPress” and #Gutenberg

  • Armchair WordCampers: #YoastCon is happening now. You can follow it via livestream: youtube.com/watch?v=hU2PzB…