
  • Two years from now, Apple’s newest feature of the HomePod two will be “cat scratch proof”. #wwdc2017 #wwdc twitter.com/darth/status/8…

  • HomePod: strange looking, strangely named but still better than Google’s Nexus Q (discounted after 4 months). #wwdc2017 #wwdc

  • First thing i bought thanks to #wwdc2017 is Monument Valley 2. #wwdc

  • “You can now add coffee that isn’t really there.” WHAT MONSTER WOULD WANT WANT TO DO THAT? #wwdc2017 #wwdc

  • Apple is now supporting floor plans for all the malls that will be dead in the next 5 years. #wwdc2017 #wwdc

  • You can now beg money from your parents via ApplePay. Because buying a new iMac Pro isn’t going to be easy. #wwdc2017 #wwdc

  • Hey as long as Apple doesn’t add Alcantara fabric to their laptops, i’m happy. #wwdc2017 #wwdc

  • Chrome is my main browser, but Safari is faster on my Mac. Very noticeable. #wwdc2017 #wwdc

  • #wwdc2017 #WWDC

  • No love for Rex? Slinky dog? Ken? Damn you Apple. #wwdc2017 #wwdc