Still catching up on #WWDC announcements but regarding the keynote I think #Apple did what was expected, and in the #Apple way (the good version). I think most of it was smart, practical, and with less (but not zero) "glue with pizza" possibilities. But it's all in the execution, which will remain to be seen.…
"Apple's AI Strategy in a Nutshell" https://nextword.substack.com/p/apples-ai-strategy-in-a-nutshell Interesting: "If most of #Siri interaction with the user ends with the user never opening any app, then this means apps have less discoverability and monetization opportunities." So app makers in a similar boat maybe as website folks with Google Search. Although I think app makers have more…
Next week #WWDC predictions? #AI wise easy: Nothing that's going to match or top Google, Microsoft. #Apple will focus on iterations and practical ways intelligence is incorporated into the OS. This will extract a cry of "Apple is behind on AI". Which they are. But not worried. They'e always been fast followers. If they don't…
Number of times "Machine Learning" mentioned: 4+ Number of times "AI" mentioned: 0 Number of times "Metaverse" mentioned: -1 #WWDC #WWDC23
Num of times “Machine Learning” mentioned: 4+ Num of times “AI” mentioned: 0 Num of times “Metaverse” mentioned: -1 #WWDC #WWDC23 pic.twitter.com/3r03hCsCta
Number of people wearing eye glasses with #VisionPro: 0 Number of people wearing eye glasses watching the #WWDC keynote: Lots #WWDC23
Number of times "Machine Learning" has been mentioned: 3+ Number of times "AI" has been mentioned: 0 #WWDC #WWDC23
Animated stickers will destroy an already messy hectic Bisset Family group chat in iMessage. RIP. #WWDC23 #WWDC
Animated stickers will destroy an already messy hectic Bisset Family group chat in iMessage. RIP. #WWDC23 #WWDC
Finally a “pro” app for the iPad. I know some people were waiting for this. 🎉 And for this NOT to be announced at WWDC… means #WWDC is going to be HUGE. twitter.com/9to5mac/status…
Looks like the best product released from Apple today wasn’t in the #wwdc keynote: gearpatrol.com/2017/06/05/app…
Two years from now, Apple’s newest feature of the HomePod two will be “cat scratch proof”. #wwdc2017 #wwdc twitter.com/darth/status/8…
HomePod: strange looking, strangely named but still better than Google’s Nexus Q (discounted after 4 months). #wwdc2017 #wwdc
First thing i bought thanks to #wwdc2017 is Monument Valley 2. #wwdc
“You can now add coffee that isn’t really there.” WHAT MONSTER WOULD WANT WANT TO DO THAT? #wwdc2017 #wwdc
Apple is now supporting floor plans for all the malls that will be dead in the next 5 years. #wwdc2017 #wwdc
You can now beg money from your parents via ApplePay. Because buying a new iMac Pro isn’t going to be easy. #wwdc2017 #wwdc
Hey as long as Apple doesn’t add Alcantara fabric to their laptops, i’m happy. #wwdc2017 #wwdc
Chrome is my main browser, but Safari is faster on my Mac. Very noticeable. #wwdc2017 #wwdc
#wwdc2017 #WWDC
No love for Rex? Slinky dog? Ken? Damn you Apple. #wwdc2017 #wwdc
Youngest app dev starting coded when he was 6, already has 5 apps on app store. Meantime I can’t debug my one PHP app today. I’m 40. #wwdc
The new iCloud isn’t looking good. #WWDC
Watching #WWDC remind me that I feel like WordCamps should be doing (more) for the younger generation to learn coding and WordPress.
Not everyone wants to hear about #WWDC today so a list of tags you can filter out: #WWDC2016 #AppleLive #RIP3.5MMJACK #iTunesBurnWithFire
Someone actually recorded their heart rate during the #WWDC keynote. cardiogr.am/c/wwdc
For a minute, I thought there wasn’t going to be enough for people to make Apple #WWDC jokes. Thank God.
Apple’s Connect = MySpace 3.0? #WWDC
When I was listening to Jimmy Lovine, Apple played “Dazed and Confused” in iTunes for me. #WWDC
“You can now watch your heart rate live when you watch an Apple Keynote.” #WWDC