
  • #wpmia folks: This is the WordPress 10th Anniversary info-graphic that @jackiej04 was mentioning: mybloggerstips.com/2013/06/wordpr…

  • .@jackiej04 is talking SEO and quality content at #wpmia. Google+ plugin: wordpress.org/plugins/google/

  • We have a social site for our WordPress South Florida meet up now: wpmia.wparmchair.com #wcmia #wpmia

  • Starting up the WordPress meetup in Ft. Lauderdale. #wpmia

  • Had a fun time at the #wpmia WordPress meetup tonight. Talked 3.6, MP6 plugin, and designing social networks.

  • Are you a developer, designer, or coder? Want to talk at future WordPress meetups in South Florida? Let me know! #wpmia #wcmia

  • Tonight’s #wp10 party in Ft. Lauderdale = perfect. Good music, a bar, meeting new attendees, a bar, prizes, a bar, good food, a bar. #wpmia

  • Our signupl table – wish we could get the #wp10 site on the big screen. #wpmia

  • Can’t wait. Over 70 people coming to the #wp10 party this Monday in Ft. Lauderdale. meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wcmia #wpmia

  • Alas, I won’t be at the next WordPress meetup on 5/2. Confident @jackiej04 will lead a great night. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • Listening to @asashebang talk now about inbound marketing and WordPress. #wpmia

  • Cool beans: @EmilioRCueto from @liveninja is talking about why they choose #BuddyPress #wpmia

  • RSVP to tomorrow’s WordPress meetup in Davie, FL. Food provided by sponsors like @mediatemple meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • RSVP for the next South Florida WordPress meetup this Thursday. Free food and WordPress! meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • At #wpmia and listening to @sicdigital talk about WordPress plugins that help you with analytical stats.

  • #wpmia folks: Here’s the direct link to signup for the WordCamp Miami 2013 mailing list I mentioned: davidbisset.us6.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=8f… #wcmia

  • RT @wpmia: Live Broadcast of SEO for WordPress all they way from Nova! @AlcantaraMedia #wpmia @wpmia youtu.be/do87QJ45sNE

  • Record breaking turnout for #wpmia WordPress meetup. Free pizza provided by @mediatemple is merely a coincidence.

  • RT @sicdigital: thanks @mediatemple for sponsoring tonights @wpmia events #wpmia

  • Should be interesting to see if we can fill up the bigger venue tomorrow for #wpmia. RSVP and see you there. meetup.com/sf-wordpress-u…

  • Thanks to @mediatemple for sponsoring & providing pizza/soda at next #wpmia meetup 2/7. Free food + WordPress. Woot! meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U…

  • Talk here at #wpmia involving a hacked site. @sucuri offers a great way to scan your site for malware: sitecheck.sucuri.net

  • Surprise drop-in to the Miami WordPress meetup at @caffelinux. #wpmia

  • Great seeing @ptahdunbar last night at #wpmia. Rumor is that he’s coming to WordCamp Miami in April. Cool beans. #wcmia

  • #wpmia People asking about a theme/plugin that can add site wide options might want to check out wptheming’s offerings: wptheming.com/options-framew…

  • Survey to help us plan sessions for WordCamp Miami 2013. Workshops, BuddyPress, & interesting possibilities. 2013.miami.wordcamp.org/2013/01/04/let… #wpmia

  • #wpmia @sicdigital talking about how NOT to edit your WordPress site. No chainsaws.

  • Almost 40 people at the WordPress meet up tonight. When you lie about pizza and beer, you get results. #wpmia

  • Holy custom post types Batman, the WordPress South Florida meetup is packed! #wpmia

  • South Florida WordPress meetup tomorrow. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia