
  • Thanks to @szeliu for giving a great talk on ecommerce with WordPress at #wpmia.

  • Right now @szeliu is giving the #wpmia crowd a great tour of @woocommerce.

  • Right now @aramonc is talking about the command line at #wpmia meetup.

  • We have almost 80 RSVP for our South Florida meetup tonight w/ @szeliu @aramonc Largest it’s been in a while. meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • Nice to see 45+ already RSVP for WordPress ecommerce meetup next month with @szeliu. meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • @velocitypage – suggestion: video or a visible link to it on your homepage? Showing it off to #wpmia last night.

  • South Florida WordPress peeps: RSVP to the next meetup where we will be talking about ecommerce with @szeliu meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • Talking about @Wonkblog and Washington Post right now. .@rsn also mentions @yurivictor. Woot! #wpmia

  • .@rsm is rocking the local WordPress meetup. #wpmia

  • .@rsm is talking about Journalism and WordPress. “WordPress is crack”. #wpmia

  • Hey local (South Florida) WordPress users: RSVP for next week’s meetup about WordPress Multisite: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • South Florida WordPress Meetup: WordPress & Journalism by @rsm and Multi-Site. RSVP for next month: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • South Florida WordPress meetup tonight. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • RT @wordcampmiami: South Florida WordPress folks, RSVP for the meetup this Thursday: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • The next WordPress meetup for South Florida is on Jan. 9th. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • RSVP for the #WPMIA Fort Lauderdale Meetup 12/5: WordPress Basics/Tips/Tricks meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U…

  • I want to give a special thank you to @alexdesigns for presenting at WordPress meetup tonight. His slides: slideshare.net/alexdesigns/sl… #wpmia

  • .@alexdesigns is talking about site layouts and design at #wpmia – good info!

  • .@alexdesigns is talking about site layouts and design at #wpmia – good info!

  • Heading off to the South Florida WordPress meetup in a few. Should be fun. If not, there’s always wifi and pizza. #wpmia

  • I’ll see 40+ tonight at the WordPress meetup in Davie, FL – meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia (@alexdesigns and I will be presenting)

  • South Florida WordPress meetup tomorrow. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia #wcmia

  • #wpmia meetup folks: link to @gollydamn slides talks.ns4lib.com/wpmia

  • South Florida WordPress meetup is on like Donkey Kong. @gollydamn talking about website performance. #wpmia

  • South Florida peeps: RSVP for tomorrow’s WordPress meetup in Davie. meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • RT @wordcampmiami: WordPress meetup this Thursday in Davie. Talking hosting and site performance. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • @rsm @HacksHackersMIA would love to determine the need (how many would attend), find a location, sync this w/ the #wpmia meetup, etc.

  • South Florida WordPress meetup this Thursday. RSVP now. Come for the pizza, stay for the knowledge. meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • South Florida WordPress meetup 10/3. Let the RSVP begin: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia #wcmia

  • Local WordPress devs: i have a lead on some WordPress (current and new) site work. Ping me if interested. #wpmia