
  • We got a good WordPress meetup in Miami later this month led by @ptahdunbar. RSVP – two great talks. meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • WordPress meetup has started. If you listen carefully, you can hear the pizza digesting. #wpmia

  • Thanks to all who came to tonight’s WordPress meetup. Thanks to @schoeyfield for his presentation. Excitement building for WordCamp! #wpmia

  • WordPress meetup begins. The mist of knowledge and aroma of pizza fills the air. #wpmia

  • Early #wpmia attendees watching @photomatt “State of the Word” from #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • On my way to the South Florida WordPress meetup. On the menu tonight: mobile, marketing, and sharing your story. And pizza. #wpmia

  • South Florida WordPress meetup this Thursday. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • Great time at #wpmia talking about using task runners with WordPress. I talked Grunt.js. @gollydamn talked Gulp.js.

  • WordPress dev meetup tonight in South Florida. I’ll be talking about using Grunt w/ WordPress. meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • . @salig is getting #wpmia started talking about web design and development processes.

  • On my way to tonight’s WordPress meetup with @salig as star of the show tonight. Over 60 RSVPs. Should be fun! #wpmia

  • RT @wordcampmiami: South Florida peeps: Don’t miss our own @salig speak this Thursday on Web Design Success: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • My attempts at visualizing the meetup pizza donations. Artist I am not. #wpmia

  • RT @wordcampmiami: South Florida WordPress Developers meetup tomorrow – RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • WordPress user meetup tonight. Great turnout – probably because I’m not speaking. #wpmia

  • So @phillywp is covering Custom Post Types tonight. So is the #wpmia meetup group tonight. Come on – one more and a CPT gets it’s wings.

  • WordPress Developer meetup is on. First session is how to find the power button for the projector. #wpmia

  • RT @wordcampmiami: South Florida WordPress Developers meetup next week. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • RT @wordcampmiami: Tonight our WordPress meetup honored @bluehost for supporting past #wcmia. Thanks again guys. #wpmia http://t.co/gSkivqq…

  • Tonight i stayed after our #wpmia WordPress meetup to help a 77-year old WordPress user with his blog.

  • South Florida folks: RSVP to the WordPress meetup this Thursday: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • @gollydamn any word on the parking pass for tonight’s #wpmia meetup?

  • RT @ShawnLyte: @JJJ talking on BuddyPress at BuddyCamp Miami. #wpmia #wcmia

  • I would like to thank @WPMONITOR for his awesome beginner’s talk tonight. Heard great things afterwards. We’ll have him back. 🙂 #wpmia

  • We are currently talking about toilet paper quality (Amazon vs. Costco). This meetup has taken a strange turn. #wpmia

  • Magic Member, Woo Commerce, and Cart66 has a nice selection of payment gateways. @chrislema #wpmia

  • So @chrislema is rocking the #wpmia meetup. Nice preview for WordCamp Miami #wcmia.

  • RT @salig: SF WordPress meetup kicking off right now @chrislema talking membership plugins & @WPmonitor talking beginner tips #WPMIA #wcmia

  • South Flordia WordPress folks: meetup tomorrow w/ @chrislema @wpmonitor RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • AWESOME! @chrislema is coming to the South Florida WordPress meetup this Thursday. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia