
  • Listening to @windipierre talk about marketing with @WooCommerce at the #wpmia meetup

  • The Wapuu makes an appearance! Break out the #wcmia Wapuuno cards. @ricktuttle #wpmia

  • Watching @ricktuttle talk about common resources for WordPress at the #wpmia meetup.

  • At the WordPress meetup listening to @jfeliweb talk about delivering your site to clients. #wpmia

  • It’s a busy night. @alexf_oliveira giving a nice presentation on how to build an effective landing page. #wpmia

  • .@balambi now talking about how to make a WordPress backup. #wpmia

  • . @salig talking about managing multiple WordPress sites to a packed house. #wpmia

  • Huge turnout for the WordPress meetup! A moment of silence for the pizza. #wpmia

  • South Florida folks: want a preview of @wordcampmiami? RSVP to our meetup this Thursday: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wcmia #wpmia

  • WordPress meetup getting started. The non-alcoholic drinks are flowing. #wpmia

  • South Florida WordCampers: RSVP to the “End of the Year” Party next Thursday. meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • RT @wordcampmiami: WordPress meetup tomorrow in Davie! RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • Great view from the WordPress Miami meetup venue tonight. #wpmia

  • WordPress meetup tomorrow in Miami: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • Great WordPress meetup planned for Oct. 1st in Davie. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • Thanks to @schoeyfield for talking about design patterns at #wpmia.

  • Great turnout for #wpmia this evening.

  • .@larrykagan is showing the #wpmia meetup group how to use @infinitewp.

  • Heading down to the friendly-neghoboord WordPress meetup tonight. My pizza and knowledge senses are tingling. #wpmia

  • I asked my #wpmia meetup tonight if they knew about post formats. 10% of the hands went up. Crickets were heard. Tumbleweeds were seen.

  • Listening now to @tech_attorney talk about legal pitfalls/mechanics on open source at the #wpmia meetup.

  • Heading down to the WordPress Meetup tonight. Going to learn about open source law and WordPress 4.3. #wpmia meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U…

  • @Jorriss @dotNetMiami would love to see if there are any speakers and topics could overlap with #wpmia meet ups.

  • I’m off to the WordPress meetup tonight. Tonight: @gravityforms, #wcmia stories, along with tips, stories, and greasy pizza. #wpmia

  • WordPress meetup in Miami this Thursday. RSVP: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia

  • Great presentation from @jeremypound at #wpmia on gathering smart data through design.

  • . @techyibis is talking about responsive media queries at #wpmia.

  • RT @jeremypound: Getting ready for the South Florida WordPress meetup. #intelbydesign #wpmia

  • Heading down to tonight’s WordPress meetup. Last one before WordCamp Miami. Going to be packed! meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wcmia #wpmia

  • Miami WordPress folks: meetup in Miami on the 30th. RSVP now: meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wpmia