
  • Loving the #wpmia giveaways. I think the guy that won the Starbucks gift card should share it with the class.

  • #wpmia Google website optimizer for WordPress bit.ly/KP0d3e

  • #wpmia For decent security, check out WordPress HTTPS wordpress.org/extend/plugins…

  • I was talking about BuddyPress just now at #wpmia. Check it out at buddypress.org.

  • RT @MontyBoo: I’m at #saveology attending WordPress panel #WPMIA. Amazing facility with a gym, Babershop, mini golf, and even monkeys.

  • Here’s the turnout for #wpmia. Still can’t get over how impressive the @saveology venue is. twitpic.com/9oue35

  • I’m apparently on a WordPress panel at #wpmia right now. Good turnout tonight at @saveology.

  • RT @jackiej04: @wpmia @dimensionmedia @RickSolari & I look forward to seeing everyone at #wpmia All Things WP Panel. Have you RSVPd? …

  • RT @wpmia: @jackiej04 @ricksolari with @dimensionmedia are hosting #WPMeetup with #WPMIA on May 24th at @Saveology. Come join us http:// …

  • #wpmia @jfeliweb did a great job tonight. Thanks to @RickSolari for organizing another great WordPress meetup in Broward.

  • Currently at the #wpmia meetup. Nice turnout. twitpic.com/9gwylu

  • Anyone up for a WordPress meetup in Broward County (South Florida) next week? #wpmia

  • So it’s confirmed. @ptahdunbar DOES make the ladies cry. #wpmia

  • #wpmia @ptahdunbar leading the WordPress meetup. No more eye patch? twitpic.com/6rllvt

  • Join us for another WordPress Miami Meetup 9/27 at Incubate Miami: bit.ly/r4W6MG #wpmia