
  • Symlinks in a nutshell. @cliffseal #WPCampus

  • “Where is the nearest #PokemonGo Gym?” was actually an actual question at #WPCampus. Not judging, but MAYBE we don’t deserve to go to Mars.

  • “Every server is a unique special snowflake. A dangerous kryptonite snowflake.” @cliffseal #WPCampus

  • Extracting a Subsite From Multisite via WP Migrate DB Pro from @dliciousbrains deliciousbrains.com/wp-migrate-db-… @cliffseal #WPCampus

  • “You will have a better time trying to conform to WP Multisite rather than trying to bend it to what you want to do.” @cliffseal #WPCampus

  • .@sucurisecurity setting up their #WPCampus booth. As one would assume, they are doing it securely.

  • .@cliffseal talking about running multiple independent instances of WordPress off of a core directory. #WPCampus

  • “Tesla has the technology for auto driving cars but we can’t get the tech in conference presentations straight.” @cliffseal #WPCampus

  • I just don’t think @cliffseal has enough stickers. Needs more. Play a Sarah Mclachlan song here. #WPCampus

  • For a first time conference, @wpcampusorg has started off very smoothly. #wpcampus

  • .@ShawnHooper talking about multisite options for multilingual sites. And his head has not exploded yet. #WPCampus

  • “Syllabus is online but students still ask for us to print it out.” You can hear the facepalm from here. #WPCampus

  • “I use WordPress to manage my educational schedule and post info. If only students would read it.” @toddfromnj #wpcampus

  • .@toddfromnj talking about publishing with WordPress across a curriculum. #WPCampus

  • .@Josh412 starts off #WPCampus with his talk on the WordPress REST API.

  • LIVE on #Periscope: #WPCampus opening remarks pscp.tv/w/aleEmDczNzJ8…

  • Will be using #periscope for @bamadesigner opening remarks at #WPCampus in a few minutes.

  • Say hello to the @CampusPressWP folks! Thank them for sponsoring #wpcampus. 🙂

  • .@modertribe booth is packed. #WPCampus

  • Starting to get busy. First day excitement overload. #WPCampus

  • Registration starting. #WPCampus

  • #WPCampus setup has begun.

  • I think I might be early. #wpcampus

  • #wpcampus pre-social. Look ma, I’m networking.

  • I’m apparently at a bar. Apparently near a theme park. #WPCampus

  • I have a particular technique when it comes to packing for a conference. #WPCampus

  • Armchair WordCampers: bookmark this page – @wpcampusorg livestream starts tomorrow: 2016.wpcampus.org/watch/ #wpcampus

  • Changing my #wpcampus talk to: “Building A WordPress Site That Informs Students Playing Too Much #PokemonGO Of Their New Career Choices.”

  • Armchair WordCampers: Don’t miss the only upcoming WordPress event w/ a livestream is #wpcampus this Fri/Sat. Monitor @wpcampusorg for info.

  • RT @bamadesigner: It’s almost time! 😄 #WPCampus #WordPress #highered