
  • Thank you to everyone for rating my BuddyPress talk at #WPCampus (mytalk.rocks/9). Got alot of emoji votes. Compiling the data!

  • RT @ShantaDotCa: “When you get into bed with multisite make sure you wear protection.” @dimensionmedia #WPCampus

  • Giving my “BuddyPress in Higher Education” talk right now. Why not watch/rate me via emoji as i give it? #WPCampus davidbisset.com/rate-my-wpcamp…

  • My @buddypress #WPCampus talk links: Rate My Talk Live: mytalk.rocks/9 Livestream: 2016.wpcampus.org/watch/ See you in 15 minutes.

  • Reasons why to love documentation. @ashleykolodziej #WPCampus

  • Excellent turnout for @ashleykolodziej talk on documentation at #WPcampus

  • Here’s my emoji conference talk app in action. Goto mytalk.rocks/9 during my #WPcampus talk and rate away!

  • At #WPCampus? Able to watch livestream? Help me at 11:15am and rate my talk live w/ emoji: davidbisset.com/rate-my-wpcamp…

  • Here’s a screenshot of the app. Yes, you can rate my talk later today as I give it with emoji. #WPCampus

  • Giving @buddypress talk at 11:15am EST today. Watch livestream and rate my talk LIVE w/ my new app: davidbisset.com/rate-my-wpcamp… #WPCampus

  • obligatory-coffee-tweet.gif #WPCampus

  • My hotel wifi is so slow that my Macbook Air is reporting a speed of “Two Dixie Cups and a String” in my network settings. #WPCampus

  • .@gilzow showcasing live a vulnerability in a WordPress plugin. #WPCampus

  • Good questions from @anthonydpaul to ask yourself regarding website usability tests. #WPCampus

  • Right now @malikfromla @rehso are talking about WP ePortfolios at #WPCampus

  • Make sure to thank @FlexiDB for their support of #WPCampus. Check out their pixel ninjas.

  • Very happy to see @getpantheon supporting #WPCampus. Make sure to talk to them and thank them.

  • .@justlikeair did 105 slides in 40 minutes. Incredible. #WPCampus

  • Very interesting collection of survey data gathered by @ModernTribeInc: bit.ly/wpcampusstudy #WPCampus

  • Results to the question “Why Choose WordPress” in @ModernTribeInc survey. @justlikeair #WPCampus

  • Washington University uses Google Maps and WordPress for campus maps. washington.edu/maps/ @justlikeair #WPCampus

  • “5% responded said they are using WordPress REST API to power their higher-ed mobile apps.” @justlikeair #WPCampus

  • Boise State University uses WordPress for their fund raising: giving.boisestate.edu @justlikeair #WPCampus

  • “37% of higher-education survey respondants do commerce through WordPress. Gravity forms just as much as Woo.” @justlikeair #WPCampus

  • Wow. @justlikeair is doing brown nosing during a conference like a pro. #WPCampus

  • “26% of higher educational sites powered their primary calendar on WordPress. 53% choose a plugin.” @justlikeair #WPCampus

  • Stanford Law School uses WordPress as a member directory: law.stanford.edu/directory/ @justlikeair #WPCampus

  • .@justlikeair mentions CommentPress: a plugin “for social texts in social contexts” futureofthebook.org/commentpress/ #WPCampus

  • .@justlikeair is talking so fast in his #WPCampus talk – he’s the the Micro Machine man of WordPress.

  • “People hate sliders but galleries are the most viewed sections on websites, esp. higher ed.” @justlikeair #WPCampus