
  • Registeration is open for @wpcampusorg! One of the best non-WordCamp #WordPress conferences (July 25-27) 2019.wpcampus.org/tickets/ #wpcampus

  • RT @wpcampusorg: The dates for #WPCampus 2019 have been set! Join us July 25-27 in Portland, Oregon for our conference focused on #Accessib…

  • RT @wpcampusorg: The Call for Proposals for our #WPCampus 2019 conference will be opening soon! We’re looking forward to another year of wo…

  • Kudos to @wpcampusorg online live conference today for a dedicated #Accessibility track w/ @adamjberkowitz @cariefisher @teltjibc @sbarrowroyer and others. online.wpcampus.org/watch/3/ #WPCampus

  • Nice presentation from @stevector at #WPCampus Online right now on automated testing. online.wpcampus.org/watch/

  • Armchair WordCampers: @wpcampusorg is TODAY at 9:30am EST. Check out the schedule and follow #WPCampus. Focus is on #Accessibility, #EdTech, and #WordPress in #HigherEd. online.wpcampus.org/schedule/

  • RT @bamadesigner: #WPCampus Online is only 2 days away and I. Cannot. Wait. Our program ans speakers are amazing. Our sponsors are amazing…

  • Good news everyone! @wpcampusorg is having it’s online conference 1/31/2019 and call for speakers is now open (also looking for sponsors!) online.wpcampus.org/call-for-speak… #WPCampus #WordPress

  • Some interesting insights from user testing and what #Gutenberg specific resources @NCState has created. Links in @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit slides: go.ncsu.edu/WPCampus-Guten… #WPCampus

  • “We think we can have 125 sites upgraded to #Gutenberg in 12-14 months after WordPress 5.0 is released.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • The “Gutendex” measures “GutenPain”. I’m getting over ”Gutenloaded” with @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #Gutenberg terms. #WPCampus

  • “@NCstate has >50 campus clients w/ >125 sites. Some sites will upgrade to #Gutenberg quickly but others will use Classic Editor for some time after WordPress 5.0.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • .@NCState has released a #Gutenberg shared documentation page with videos, etc.. Interesting step for a #highered campus. design.oit.ncsu.edu/docs/gutenberg/ @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • .@NCState has a #Gutenberg sandbox for it’s developers and oitdesign.ncsu.edu/gutenberg/quick that provides demos for workshops/meetings. @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • .@NCState had a “GutenDay” for developers, with a #ReactJS crash course and live coding demos. @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • “Content creators need to know why and how #WordPress is changing, what #Gutenberg blocks are. We need to communicate the vision and why it’s better.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • #Gutenberg changes a fundamental part of WordPress, the first in 12 years. It will take training to educate and fight resistance to change.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • “Non power users we tested got used to #Gutenberg after 20 minutes, but multiply that times alot of users.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • #Gutenberg block settings in right-hand sidebar was not first noticed, questioned if they changed block or just text. (again this was Jan 2018 testing). @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • “Few using #Gutenberg knew what to call anything or where anything is (“mini-hamburger”). Not clear when to choose which block.” – Note, testing was in January 2018. @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • Gutenberg Campus User Testing at @NCState : design.oit.ncsu.edu/2018/02/02/gut… @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • “There’s never a good time for a big change, but #Gutenberg is the good time for a big change for #WordPress.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • “It natural to stick your head into your sand when it comes to something new like #Gutenberg. Lots of content, thinking, technical and organizational challenges.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • “#Gutenberg is fine, but it’s also not fine.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit might have the most entertaining slides at #WPCampus

  • “We thought #Gutenberg was coming long time down the road, but we weren’t expecting the Gutenbomb so soon.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • That’s alot of Guten. #Gutenberg @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • “Gutenready” wins @BrianDeConinck and @ncsumarit “#WordPress Pun Of The Week” award. #WPCampus

  • “Owners of property software in #highered should ask themselves if dozens of employees are more responsive and knowledge than millions supporting an open source platform.” @jeckman #WPCAMPUS

  • “I dreaded the day I would share a great #Drupal site with a #highered client and having to show them the admin… but the experience is getting better.” @jeckman #WPCampus

  • “The fact you’re going down the open source path I think is more important than picking if that path is WordPress or not.” @jeckman #WPCAMPUS