
  • @dimensionmedia: #WP20 perspective (#WordPress features): 2003- WP born. 2004- Plugins 2005- Pages, Kubrick, themes, functions.php 2008…

  • #WP20 perspective (#WordPress features): 2003- WP born.2004- Plugins2005- Pages, Kubrick, themes, functions.php2007- Tagging2008- Post revisions2009- Image editing, Trash, oEmbed2010- CPT/tax2011- Admin bar, post formats2012- Customizer2013- Auto updates, MP62014- Media lib2015- Emojis2016- Rest API2018- Gutenberg And yes, only so much one can squeeze into a post. But these were mostly oldschool headline features that helped define…

  • #WP20 perspective (#WordPress features): 2003- WP born. 2004- Plugins 2005- Pages, Kubrick, themes, functions.php 2008- Post revisions 2010- CPT/tax 2011- Admin bar, post formats 2012- Customizer 2013- Auto updates, MP6 2014- Media lib 2015- Emo…

  • #WP20 perspective (“popular” #WordPress plugin debuts). 2003- WP2005- Akismet2006- WP Super Cache2007- Yoast SEO, All In One SEO, NextGEN Gallery2008- Duplicate Post2009- Events Calendar 2010- ACF, UpDraftPlus2011- Jetpack, Google Analytics for WP2012- Easy Digital Downloads 2013- WPRocket2016- Elementor, WPForms I left off plugins already mentioned in past posts. Faved older plugins. Popular approx by downloads/installs.…

  • #WP20 perspective (“popular” #WordPress plugin debuts). 2003- WP 2005- Akismet 2006- WP Super Cache 2007- @yoast SEO, All In One SEO, NextGEN 2008- Duplicate Post 2009- Events Cal 2010- ACF,UpDraft+ 2011- Jetpack, GA for WP 2012- EDD 2013- @WPRo…

  • More #WP20 perspective: 2003 – WP born.2004 – #bbPress2005 – #automattic2006 – ModernTribe2007 – Contact Form 7; WPML, GravityGorms2008 – WebDevStudios does WP; #BuddyPress, WooThemes2009 – wpbeginner, Pippins Plugins2010 – Yoast, Human Made2011 – 10up, #WooCommerce #WordPress

  • More #WP20 perspective: 2003- WP born. 2004- @bbPress 2005- @Automattic 2006- @ModernTribe 2007- Contact Form 7; WPML, @GravityForms 2008- @WebDevStudios does WP; BuddyPress,WooThemes 2009- @WPBeginner,Pippins Plugins 2010- Yoast,Human Made 2011…

  • So many cakes and sweets on the #WP20 hashtag on Twitter i’ve already gained two pounds just reading Twitter and ready to open source my diet.

  • @lemonadecode: Happy #WordPress 20th anniversary everyone! We are sharing #WP20 blog posts and videos on wpfront.page this we…

  • Some #WP20 perspective: PHP – 1995JavaScript – 1995Flash – 1996CSS3 – 1999Blogger – 1999PHP Nuke – 2000Drupal- 2001Movable Type – 2001👉 #WordPress – 2003Flickr – 2004Squarespace – 2004Joomla – 2005Shopify – 2006jQuery – 2006HTML5 – 2008Magento – 2008Ghost – 2013

  • Some #WP20 perspective: PHP – 1995 JavaScript – 1995 Flash – 1996 CSS3 – 1999 Blogger – 1999 PHP Nuke – 2000 Drupal- 2001 Movable Type – 2001 👉 #WordPress – 2003 Flickr – 2004 Squarespace – 2004 Joomla – 2005 Shopify – 2006 jQuery – 2006 HTML5 -…

  • @gutenbergtimes: Happy 20th Anniversary, Governance of Block Editor, Playground and a new FSE call for testing #WP20 – Weekend Edition #…

  • @dimensionmedia: #WP20 shoutout to EARLY #WordPress supporters – many joined the WP community not aware/assumed were always around: @wp…

  • In honor of #WP20 I did “memory draft” podcasts i did w/ some great #WordPress people. Here’s one produced by @TheWPMinute (thanks to them). thewpminute.com/wordpress-20th… Guests included @speckyboy @jeffr0 @raemoreywrites @kennethspeaks. …

  • Recommend giving this recent video of @Dries @photomatt @mikelittlezed1 a watch. Histroic in terms of these three never been in person together before. #WordPress and open source covered. #WP20 youtube.com/watch?v=QYhIIt…

  • Keeping this short and sweet. Before the weekend, I wanted to thank not only @mikelittle and Matt Mullenweg for starting #WordPress 20 years ago… …but all those that have made an impact on it since, those who are making impacts on it today. Here’s to another 20. 👍🏻 #WP20

  • #WP20 shoutout to EARLY #WordPress supporters – many joined the WP community not aware/assumed were always around: @wpcandy @wptavern @goGreenGeeks @WPCodePoet @iThemes Manage WP @WP101 @wpbeginner @crowdfavorite @pippinsplugins @mediatemple …

  • Keeping this short and sweet. Before the weekend, I wanted to thank not only @mikelittlezed1 @photomatt for starting #WordPress 20 years ago… …but all those that have made an impact on it since, those who are making impacts on it today. Here’s …

  • @wptavern @TheWPMinute Here’s two #wp20 episodes via @wptavern (thx to @pollyplummer @wpbuilds): wptavern.com/podcast/wordpr… wptavern.com/podcast/wordpr… Thx to @karmatosed @aurooba @renewabelle @maestro_stevens @meherbala @krafit @nullbytes …

  • Last year for #WordPress 19th, I created wp19.day to make some history. With everything for #wp20 I decided to talk to the history makers instead. With help of 2 great podcasting platforms @wptavern @TheWPMinute you can hear the 90 minute epis…

  • @karks88: I had a ton of fun celebrating #WP20 with @dimensionmedia, @therepositorywp, @kennethspeaks, & @jeffr0! Give it a listen and…

  • Been doing some fun podcast episodes for #WP20. I’ve been hearing great answers to this question… add your $0.02 and i’ll share it on my next recording coming out this month. twitter.com/dimensionmedia…

  • Just ordered 20th Anniversary #WordPress shirts for next month. First new WP swag I’ve had since 2019. mercantile.wordpress.org/product/wp20-l… #WordPress #WP20 (I miss making swag for #WCMIA. I had some killer ideas for #WP20 that i’m saving…

  • Ok, so “Selfie Props” are a thing and you can download them for the #WP20 meetup celebration… but how about some iMessage stickers @WordPress for those printing-unabled? #WordPress wp20.wordpress.net/download-selfi… pic.twitter.com/DNSsxYh01v …

  • To celebrate #WordPress 20th anniversary I will eat 20 pizza slices on that day 🍕 …and then (logically) blog about it. You celebrate your way, i’ll celebrate mine. #WP20

  • There’s an official #Wapuu coloring contest to celebrate #WordPress 20th anniversary. 🖌️ wp20.wordpress.net/wapuu-coloring… #WP20

  • New #WordPress 20th Anniversary Commemorative Logos (you can download). #wp20 wp20.wordpress.net/download-the-w… pic.twitter.com/6VZ7bVIpqF

  • The top 20 oldest or most popular still-open tickets for #WP20 would be a good goal and would help make a 2023 a “Snow Leopard” (MacOS reference) year for #WordPress. twitter.com/AudrasJb/statu…