
  • Spending an evening with the best child themes I know. Thank you to @photomatt @mikelittlezed1 and everyone that has made the last 15 years of #WordPress great. #wp15

  • On the 15th anniversary of #WordPress, here’s a look back at the last big milestone – the 10th anniversary (thanks to a little Twitter filtering) #wp10 #wp15 twitter.com/search?l=&q=%2…

  • Here’s a history of the last 15 years of #WordPress. #wp15 (via 93digital.co.uk/wphistory/)

  • Wrote a blog post about #WordPress 15th anniversary? Let me know via Twitter or Slack. Would like to feature some in an upcoming @post_status newsletter. #wp15

  • Writing #WordPress 15th Anniversary post for tomorrow? Need title suggestions? #WP15 “30% of the web, 100% in my ❤️” “2 Press 2 Furious” “Be Lucky I Blogged This Instead of Tweetstorming” “Trac Tickets My Grandchildren Will Inherit.” “Still Making GDPR Jokes, Sorry”.

  • Looking for some last minute entertainment ideas for WordPress 15th anniversary plans with your meetup, posse, team, crew, contingent, or entourage? How about #WordPress trivia? #wp15 github.com/dimensionmedia…

  • 15 years of #WordPress: From Version 1.0 to 4.9 (via 93digital.co.uk/wphistory/) #wp15

  • @wpmodder It was fun. Matt seems to enjoy it. And I put up a page so more people can use it at their events (say for the #wp15 anniversary): github.com/dimensionmedia…

  • I’ve created a Github page dedicated to resources for running your own games at conferences & meetups (do a trivia contest for your #wp15 meetup!). Translations and contributions welcome! github.com/dimensionmedia…

  • BTW, if you are celebrating WordPress’s 15th anniversary next month the below is great if you want to do a local trivia contest. #wp15 twitter.com/dimensionmedia…