
  • On the 15th anniversary of #WordPress, here’s a look back at the last big milestone – the 10th anniversary (thanks to a little Twitter filtering) #wp10 #wp15 twitter.com/search?l=&q=%2…

  • @wptavern just did for the #wp10 site because i didn’t have FTP access to the servers. outside of that? nope.

  • Ending the evening with a photo of #wp10 photos. Use this link and go full screen: wp10.wordpress.net/?allimages=true

  • Tonight’s #wp10 party in Ft. Lauderdale = perfect. Good music, a bar, meeting new attendees, a bar, prizes, a bar, good food, a bar. #wpmia

  • These two lovely people got #wcmia tshirts as #wp10 giveaways. Boy, are they thrilled.

  • Our signupl table – wish we could get the #wp10 site on the big screen. #wpmia

  • A special thank you should go to @jenmylo @Otto42 @daljo628 for building the wp10.wordpress.net site. #wp10

  • You hear this #wcmia? *cough* RT @scottbasgaard: You should all buy your local meetup organizers a drink today, they deserve it! #wp10

  • @jenmylo that observation is just based solely on my viewing of the photos on the #wp10 site. 🙂 was silver MORE popular than black?

  • @markoheijnen @no_fear_inc those aren’t accurate totals because of confusion w/ meetup.com and #wp10 groups.

  • Watch wp10.wordpress.net long enough and realize: (1) huge WP community outside the US (2) Silver #wp10 shirt not popular (3) Cakes!!!

  • Monitoring #wp10 stuff today at wp10.wordpress.net? Use this link just to view photos: wp10.wordpress.net/?allimages=true

  • My daughters first letter wouldn’t be “W”. #IfItWasntForWordPress #wp10

  • Getting some prizes for the #wp10 party tonight in Ft. Lauderdale. 75+ people coming. Anyone got party game ideas? meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U…

  • RT @WordPress: If you are having a #wp10 party and did not list it on the Meetup Everywhere page, go to wp10.wordpress.net/site-access/ to request p…

  • Something #wp10 related is coming.. vine.co/v/bVI97lXhZzh

  • Looking forward to showing off a special project related to #wp10. Stay tuned.

  • Can’t wait. Over 70 people coming to the #wp10 party this Monday in Ft. Lauderdale. meetup.com/SF-WordPress-U… #wcmia #wpmia

  • Anyone planning on using Flickr to store #wp10 photos next week? If so, please ping me.

  • Attention those planning #wp10 parties for May 27th: are you posting any updates outside of Twitter and Instagram?

  • +10 geek points if you ordered BOTH the black and the silver 10 Year Anniversary WordPress shirts. #wp10

  • Just grabbed by WordPress 10th Anniversary shirt in black. #wp10 wordpress.org/news/2013/04/w…

  • Built wpanniversary.com w/ one page theme from @woothemes. Meant to be a one-page site w/ live photos/streams of #wp10 night.