
  • #wordsesh needs a wrapup. @scottbasgaard get your butt in room A at the top of the hour. Please. 🙂

  • RT @WordSesh: 3,000 unique viewers over 85 countries. #WordSesh #WordSesh2

  • Excited to hear @scottbolinger talk about building native iOS/Android apps w/ WordPress and @apppresser at #wordsesh wordsesh.org/room-a/

  • After @troydean presentation at #wordsesh, i need a cigarette.

  • .@LisaSabinWilson talks about RTL Tester, plugin that tests WordPress themes/plugins in right-to-left mode. wordpress.org/plugins/rtl-te… #wordsesh

  • Let’s thank @Otto42 for providing @LisaSabinWilson with Internalization materials for her #wordsesh presentation. 🙂

  • .@LisaSabinWilson now talking on internationalization of WP themes/plugins. #wordsesh wordsesh.org/room-a/

  • WooCommerce Developers bookmark the dev blog develop.woothemes.com/woocommerce/ and the GitHub repo github.com/woothemes/wooc… #wordsesh

  • Protip: Stay after the last #WordSesh session ends, and you’ll see Nick Fury offering @scottbasgaard a place with the Avengers Initiative.

  • Reason to do a WordPress podcast (IMO & in this order): (1) because you love/work w/ WP (2) promote yourself indirectly (3) money. #wordsesh

  • Most of the great WordPress podcasters together in one (virtual) room. Live now. wordsesh.org/room-a/ #wordsesh

  • “AJAX is a term that developers use to impress clients and scare new developers.” @EricMann #wordsesh

  • #wordsesh speakers: if there aren’t questions at the end of your presentations, show us the books on your shelves or your office. 🙂

  • Nice. @TechVoltz is showing how to hide Custom Post Type menus from all roles but admin in #wordsesh Room B wordsesh.org/room-b/

  • RT @williamsba: So awesome, @JJJ had an actual fire going for his fireside chat! youtube.com/watch?v=rgT6yi… #wordsesh

  • Armchair WordCampers: watch @WordSesh LIVE RIGHT NOW. Two tracks. Ask questions. Wear no pants. wordsesh.org #wordsesh

  • Hardcoring #wordsesh.

  • Request for next @WordSesh: stay with two tracks, but offer picture-in-picture on the video. #wordsesh

  • Events plugin given away for free, donations were asked for. 65k downloads grossed $678.15 before paypal fees. #wordsesh @justlikeair

  • The @WordSesh rap was great. Next #wordsesh theme song should honor the music of barber shop quartets.

  • How i’m planning to get through the next 24 hours of @WordSesh i.imgur.com/oCF4myU.gif #wordsesh

  • Happy @wordsesh day! #wordsesh

  • On the @WPwatercooler show I’m taking about #wcmia and #wordsesh. Come watch! #wordpress wpwatercooler.com/video/ep30-wor…

  • I’m going to be on the @WPwatercooler today at 2pm EDT to talk WordCamp Miami! & @WordSesh wpwatercooler.com #wcmia #wordsesh

  • @saracannon remember that thing i mentioned during #WordSesh? wpanniversary.com

  • Thanks to @williamsba @scottbasgaard and everyone who made #WordSesh possible. Let’s do this again soon.

  • Got the whole #BuddyPress team on my tv now. #WordSesh

  • Cool beans. Got a shoutout from @boone during #WordSesh.

  • Loving the fact I get to see the BuddyCamp Miami panel again at #WordSesh – coming up now. Wordsesh.org #BuddyPress

  • Fact: It took @JJJ about 9 hours and a bottle of Jack Daniels got theme capability in BuddyPress working. #WordSesh