
  • RT @WordSesh: Alright folks, this is it: your final week to apply to speak at #WordSesh 2022! I suggest visiting wordsesh.com/speak/ a…

  • RT @WordSesh: You have 24 hours to submit your talk proposal for the next #WordSesh, happening on May 22: WordSesh.com/speak/ Every sp…

  • @helenhousandi btw, random comment – i really liked your #WordSesh talk. Thanks for putting your time into that.

  • Just grabbed some great digital #WordSesh swag: a $1 for a year license for @SearchWP. If you attended @WordSesh, check your inboxes or visit wordsesh.com/swag/.

  • Thanks to all everyone that helped sponsor #WordSesh today! 😄 wordsesh.com/#sponsors

  • “WooSesh (woosesh.com) will be a two day event with about 16 speakers in the spirit of @WordSesh, on October 18th and 19th.” @rzen #WordSesh

  • .@chrislema mentioned wpastra.com as a possible light-weight theme if you are looking to start with e-commerce, along with @WooCommerce. #WordSesh

  • “I’ve seen people turn off PayPal as a payment option on their site and they lose 30% of their sales. Don’t lock yourself into a single payment option.” @chrislema #WordSesh

  • “What improves store conversions? Content. It’s either multiple photos that answer customer questions, how-to videos that show people getting started, or useful reviews.” @chrislema #WordSesh

  • “When selling clothing online, use images and diverse models for your sizing guides.” @chrislema #WordSesh

  • “Use reviews for better store conversion: more meta-data helps people relate to specific reviewers, and use expert reviews too.” @chrislema #WordSesh

  • “When you are showing a price of a product, show the regular or different price to show your special deal.” @chrislema #WordSesh

  • Improve store conversions by using social proof – it used to mean testimonials, but dynamic mechanisms like “8 people just purchased this product”. @chrislema #WordSesh

  • “Want to Improve store conversions? Make it easy to people to find contact info. Pre-sales questions turn into sales.” @chrislema #WordSesh

  • Last talk at #WordSesh: @chrislema on 45 ways (!!!) to improve store conversions. If you have an ecommerce store and a pulse, worth a look: wordsesh.com/live

  • “#PHP optimization can provide value in large-scale environments, but first and foremost code should be human readable.” @mlteal #WordSesh

  • A few suggestions from @mlteal for optimization of images in #Wordpress: wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smu… wordpress.org/plugins/imsani… PressThumb on @Pagely pagely.com/blog/pressthum… cloudinary.com #WordSesh

  • “Regarding optimizing: some scripts need to be loaded async, some sync… but try to load essential scripts first and combine/minify where possible.” @mlteal #WordSesh

  • .@mlteal from @Pagely is talking about optimization: how, the why and who we optimize for… on the #WordSesh live stream now. wordsesh.com/live

  • .@tessak22 is sharing her favorite workflows for new projects on #WordSesh.

  • “WP automatic updates are fast, past 120k-150k sites per minute.” @aaroncampbell #WordSesh

  • “Automatic updates is the greatest tool to protect WordPress users. We can push urgent fixes while site owners sleep. It started in WP 3.7, and they’ve gotten progressively faster.” @aaroncampbell #WordSesh

  • .@aaroncampbell now on #WordSesh livestream on what #WordPress is already keeping your site secure. wordsesh.com/live Slides: adcwp.me/wordsesh2018

  • Keys to successful freelancing via @cdils: 👉🏻 “Be legit, have a full business mindset.” 👉🏻 Be organized (physically and digitally) 👉🏻 Be specific (what makes you different than the competition) and determine your ideal client #WordSesh

  • .@andreagoulet is up now on #WordSesh talking about “Menders & Makers”. wordsesh.com/live

  • Here’s a story of a man named Brady… #WordSesh

  • A Trello board for building a UI inventory for #WordPress. trello.com/b/FDjjqYbL/wor… @helenhousandi #WordSesh

  • “There are almost 300 lines of CSS in WordPress devoted to notices, naming conventions have evolved over time.” @helenhousandi #WordSesh

  • “In commenting, describe the intent in your #CSS comments. Assume people are jumping into a small part of the CSS and haven’t consumed all of it. Be liberal in describing.” @helenhousandi #WordSesh

  • “Naming CSS classes according to your layout (“right rail”) makes it hard to maintain in the future and locks you into your layout.” @helenhousandi #WordSesh