Can’t say for certain yet (because lack of full details) but if you: 1. Own or rely on #WordPress or any plugin that uses Twitter login or API to show tweets you should be paying attention to this. 2. If you use Twitter login on any site, you m…
Youth in #WordPress.. a beyond “Kids Camp” discussion w/ @allie_nimmons @topher1kenobe: masterwp.com/presstheissue/…
Not a #WordPress acquisition but for developers this might move the ground depending on what you work in. But like a WP acquisition mostly positive recations but a few “oops never using that again” ones to. Par for the course. twitter.com/Netli…
Looks like #WordPress plugin @jetpack is adding a Mastodon sharing button soon. github.com/Automattic/jet… (via religious.social/@kraft/1097903…) pic.twitter.com/j5fnqoSsqF
Reading up a bit on @10up #WordPress API mocking framework “wp_mock”. Makes it possible to “properly unit test” within a WordPress project. github.com/10up/wp_mock
Nice list as always from Michelle. Also currently two open positions at Awesome Motive for #WordPress team manager and developer (full time, remote on both). awesomemotive.com/careers/#posit… Tell them David sent you. 😉 twitter.com/michelleames…
Interesting: “Creating a GPT3 powered support bot for WP Fusion”, a service that connects #WordPress with other services (via @verygoodplugins) drunk.support/creating-a-gpt…
When you’re a #WordPress dev and your daughter comes to you on their own asking you if you can show them how to build one for themselves. pic.twitter.com/5reiVOxBc2 Video
New #WordPress 20th Anniversary Commemorative Logos (you can download). #wp20 wp20.wordpress.net/download-the-w… pic.twitter.com/6VZ7bVIpqF
One idea of @wordcampmiami that made it on the cutting room floor was a hackathon contest between companies. First hackathon: make some sort RPG… using #WordPress. #WCMIA
“Why we still need custom CSS In #WordPress:” @elrond25: writes about areas in which “using CSS (or Javascript) is the better solution.” publishing-project.rivendellweb.net/why-we-still-n…
Fun fact: Today the average cost of building a #WordPress website is about 65 eggs. 🥚
Cool #WordPress tool. @felipe_elia has come up with a quick web tool that makes it easier parsing the Site Health Information. 👍🏻 He’s looking for feedback. felipeelia.dev/report-parser/ twitter.com/felipe_elia/st…
Setary is a product for @WooCommerce that allows “Bulk edit products in a spreadsheet environment”. #WordPress twitter.com/jamesckemp/sta…