
  • Lessons from Plain Text https://www.rugu.dev/en/blog/plain-text/ "Your #texteditor hides details so you don’t have to overthink. However, there are many times when these details leak through the protection layer that your #text editor tries to provide. And you often don’t notice these complexities until you face them." #webdev #coding

  • Bookmarking this here for #webdev and #QA folks. https://www.donobu.com is a new (and being worked on) #macOS app that creates web flows and rerun them. AI elements, but you don't have to use them. I'm adding the HN (Hacker News) conversation w/ the creators here for background: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41789633

  • Untitled post 59729

    Me: "I'm seeing a lot of warnings in my branches." Friend, not into #programming: 🤔 #memes #webdev

  • Untitled post 59727

    Friend of mine yesterday: "I finally figured out timezones in #programming." Today: #PHP #coding #webdev #memes

  • Why I 🧡 the web. https://player.style/ Winamp and other media players, rebuilt for the web with #WebComponents. Free and #opensource. #webdev

  • Untitled post 59706

    Friend: "Did you see the #CSS redesign of our site on mobile?" Me: 🤔 #webdev #memes

  • A simple way of building a periodic table in #CSS. https://dev.to/madsstoumann/the-periodic-table-in-css-3lmm #webdev

  • Untitled post 59697

    WhoCanUse – A #webdev tool that brings attention to how color contrast can affect people with different visual impairments. #a11y #frontend https://www.whocanuse.com

  • "Hire #HTML and #CSS people" https://robinrendle.com/notes/hire-html-people/ #webdev

  • Untitled post 59689

    Client expectations vs client budget. #memes #webdev

  • #SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes For Writing Vectors By Hand #webdev #frontend #CSS https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/09/svg-coding-examples-recipes-writing-vectors-by-hand/

  • A (somewhat opinionated) list of #SQL tips and tricks. #webdev https://github.com/ben-n93/SQL-tips-and-tricks?tab=readme-ov-file#use-a-leading-comma-to-separate-fields

  • Untitled post 59681

    Frontend vs backend code on many many websites. #webdev #memes #programming

  • json4u takes #JSON and turn it into charts and #graphs. Free / paid plans at https://json4u.com/ but you can apparently #selfhost. https://github.com/loggerhead/json4u #opensource #webdev

  • Creating a custom cursor for your website #HTML #CSS #webdev https://dev.to/bridget_amana/creating-a-custom-cursor-for-your-website-2jpo?ref=web-design-weekly.com

  • Free avatars for web projects (also a #Figma plugin) https://alohe.github.io/avatars/ #webdev #frontend #design

  • "2024: 0.5% of the Global Top 200 Websites Use Valid #HTML" #webdev #coding https://meiert.com/en/blog/html-conformance-2024/

  • cssnano takes your nicely formatted #CSS "and runs it through many focused optimisations, to ensure that the final result is as small as possible for a production environment". #webdev https://cssnano.github.io/cssnano/

  • Untitled post 59647

    Client: "Well, sometimes we have to break accessibility on our site when it gets in the way of other users." Me: 🤔 #webdev #memes #a11y

  • Untitled post 59641

    "How are you doing learning #CSS grid?" Me: 🤔 #webdev #memes

  • "#PHP is the Best Choice for Long‑Term Business" https://tomasvotruba.com/blog/php-is-the-best-choice-for-long-term-business "It's not about the language, but the ecosystem around it, and PHP is the best for long-term business costs." #webdev

  • "The rebelling against #JavaScript frameworks continues… app developer Pieter Levels explained that he builds all his apps with vanilla HTML, #PHP, a bit of JavaScript via #jQuery, and SQLite. No fancy JavaScript frameworks, no modern programming languages, no Wasm." https://thenewstack.io/developers-rail-against-javascript-merchants-of-complexity/ #webdev

  • https://chartdb.io is a "free and #opensource #database editor". #webdev

  • This is awesome. 🧡 A collection of Free Public #APIs for "Students and #Developers" that are tested every day. https://www.freepublicapis.com/ #webdev #programming

  • If you are a #developer, use or like #VIM, and enjoy pain then this is for you: https://vim-racer.com/ "The goal of the game is to navigate to every target as quickly as possible." #webdev

  • Untitled post 59602

    Another one of those "client expectations vs. client budget" #memes I see. #webdev #freelancing

  • Untitled post 59596

    You're a freelancer. Client giving feedback on first review of your project: "It's perfect. Thanks!" You: #webdev #memes

  • Good Refactoring vs Bad Refactoring #programming #webdev #coding https://www.builder.io/blog/good-vs-bad-refactoring

  • Good read: "The anatomy of a 2AM mental breakdown" #webdev #programming https://zarar.dev/anatomy-of-a-mental-breakdown/

  • Tool to explain your EXPLAIN #MySQL queries: https://mysqlexplain.com/ #webdev