
  • Untitled post 59041

    Friend: "I'm done with this #programming project but feel like it's missing a little bit of critical code." Me: 🤔 #webdev #memes

  • I miss those days too. Being able to copy and paste files and code and maybe spend 10 getting something up and running. Again, things are more complex these things but often – especially for simpler things – they don’t have to be. #JavaScript #webdev https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon/112129522544448906

  • “Marking the Web’s 35th Birthday: An Open Letter” – from the World Wide Web Foundation. #webdev https://webfoundation.org/2024/03/marking-the-webs-35th-birthday-an-open-letter/

  • Yeah if you're old enough to remember building #HTML websites with <table> then David Walsh's post is relatable. https://davidwalsh.name/im-so-old-1 I think I could add "HTML image maps" to the list (remember this method of creating clickable areas on an image?). #webdev

  • Mental Health in Open Source https://antfu.me/posts/mental-health-oss #mentalhealth #opensource #webdev

  • How web bloat impacts users with slow devices #webdev #frontend https://danluu.com/slow-device/

  • Learned a bit about the #HTML quote tag. I've barely used it so far in my development honestly. https://www.sarahgebauer.com/post/quotes/ #webdev #frontend

  • Untitled post 59001

    "Ever seen a function in code that is named for the very thing that it DOESN'T DO?" 🤔 #programming #webdev #coding #memes

  • Thoughts on embedding alternative text metadata into images #a11y #webdev via @eric https://ericwbailey.website/published/thoughts-on-embedding-alternative-text-metadata-into-images/

  • JSON Canvas is "an open file format for infinite canvas data". #json #canvas #programming #webdev https://jsoncanvas.org/ "Infinite canvas tools are a way to view and organize information spatially, like a digital whiteboard."

  • Bruno is a "fast and #git friendly #opensource #api client" that is an alternative to Postman. All local, no cloud storage for privacy. https://www.usebruno.com/ #webdev

  • Untitled post 58961

    "Bill For Unused Domain Names". Oil on Canvas #art #memes #webdev

  • How to undo a #git push. #webdev #programming https://dev.to/sankeeth/how-to-undo-a-git-push-7m6

  • Untitled post 58954

    "I don't need to read documentation, I know how this works." #webdev #memes Me: 🤔

  • Untitled post 58948

    Client expectations vs. client budget. #freelancing #webdev #memes

  • Untitled post 58946

    The notice and warnings you see when opening a #WordPress dashboard for the first time in years. #webdev #freelancing

  • New projects vs. maintenance. #webdev #developer

  • Bookmarkable: The Modern #JavaScript Tutorial https://javascript.info #programming #webdev

  • Untitled post 58927

    Saw this #meme on #jquery. Still rocks today (recently got to version 4.0). #webdev

  • Untitled post 58922

    "What's one of the worst form validation errors you've ever seen?" 🤔 #webdev #memes

  • Untitled post 58911

    A service that offers "free Monitor Certificate expiry" via #RSS https://raphting.dev/posts/monitor-rss/ #webdev

  • Falsehoods Junior Developers believe about becoming Senior #programming #development #webdev https://vadimkravcenko.com/shorts/falsehoods-junior-developers-believe-about-becoming-senior/

  • #JavaScript Bloat in 2024 https://tonsky.me/blog/js-bloat/ #webdev

  • "The Anatomy of #Accessible Forms: The Problem with Placeholders" #webdev #a11y https://www.deque.com/blog/accessible-forms-the-problem-with-placeholders

  • Reading: "Falsehoods Junior #Developers believe about becoming Senior" #programming #webdev https://vadimkravcenko.com/shorts/falsehoods-junior-developers-believe-about-becoming-senior/

  • A tool for easily creating #SVG filters with a nice graphical interface https://svgfm.chriskirknielsen.com #design #webdev

  • Falsehoods #programmers believe about time zones #webdev #programming https://www.zainrizvi.io/blog/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-time-zones/ via Zain Rizvi

  • Untitled post 58812

    Client: "We added some #accessibility for our site just to say we had something. I'm sure it's good enough." #webdev #programming 🤔

  • Untitled post 58808

    When you stumble on bananas code and a code comment that begs additional questions. 🤔 #webdev #memes #programming

  • "Why you don't need #React" #JavaScript #webdev via John Nguyen https://md.jtmn.dev/blog/%F0%9F%92%BB+Programming/PR-007+-+Why+you+don't+need+React