
  • TIL about https://www.svgviewer.dev View, edit, and optimize SVGs. Also other #SVG and path editors/croppers: https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/https://yqnn.github.io/svg-path-editor/https://svgcrop.com/https://www.softr.io/tools/svg-shape-generator #webdev

  • #HTML attributes vs DOM properties #webdev #frontend https://jakearchibald.com/2024/attributes-vs-properties/

  • Although not directly #WordPress related if you work on any CMS, I would give @chriscoyier and @davatron5000 podcast episode on a "fantasy #blogging / #CMS setup" a listen. 👂🏻 Has guest @mathowie on. https://shoptalkshow.com/612/ #webdev

  • Untitled post 59230

    "Man, how can you smile when you go through code reviews?" 🤔 #programming #webdev #memes

  • Developers you cannot complain about debugging your code unless you work at NASA. New rule. #programming #webdev https://mastodon.social/@jimray/112316533559894202

  • Accepting almost* everything in #webdev eventually falls but agreeing w/ @chriscoyier here. "Technologies do tend to come and go…. But when tech gets big enough, it tends to not go. #WordPress is huge, and it’s been huge every second of my entire web dev career. To me it echos social media in a way. In…

  • "Everyone has #JavaScript, right?" About a minute read. https://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/everyonehasjs.html #webdev

  • Pragmatic drag and drop lib that can be used with any view layer (react, svelte, vue, angular and so on). Powers Trello, Jira and Confluence. #TypeScript #JavaScript #opensource https://github.com/atlassian/pragmatic-drag-and-drop #webdev

  • "Converting Plain Text To Encoded #HTML With Vanilla #JavaScript" #webdev https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/04/converting-text-encoded-html-vanilla-javascript/

  • Upgrading #jQuery: "Working Towards a Healthy Web" #webdev #JavaScript https://blog.jquery.com/2024/04/17/upgrading-jquery-working-towards-a-healthy-web/

  • Untitled post 59186

    It's not easy being a young #frontend #developer on the dating scene. #memes #webdev

  • #opensource #game introduces players to #Git allowing "them to immediately see the results of their actions through a visualization of the internal structures of Git repositories". Sounds awesome or like hell on earth. Either way, cool. https://blinry.itch.io/oh-my-git #webdev

  • I’ve seen this meme too many times but this implementation is probably the best. #react #memes #webdev https://front-end.social/@eeeps/112254504694609906

  • Untitled post 59153

    Hey #webdev and #developers community, what's your main setup? #programming #screens

  • #FFmpeg 7.0 "Dijkstra" is out. One of the most useful frameworks that's still chugging along today. If you decode video in any format, you know probably know the name. https://ffmpeg.org//index.html#pr7.0 #webdev #video #LGPL

  • How to make an ineffective 404 page. https://ericwbailey.website/published/how-to-make-an-ineffective-404-page/ (mostly) a case against blindly trying to be "cute" with 404 error pages, but goes into more past just design. "The other thing is 404s can still be quirky!… Just make sure that their immediate needs are met before trying to get creative." #webdev #frontend #ux

  • "Open Source Infrastructure must be a publicly funded service" #opensource #webdev via @matrix https://matrix.org/blog/2024/04/open-source-publicly-funded-service/

  • portr is an #opensource ngrok alternative designed "for small teams looking to expose development servers on a public URL". #webdev #development #Svelte https://github.com/amalshaji/portr

  • This looks impressive. Oneuptime is an #opensource solution for #monitoring and managing your website, dashboard, API, etc. https://github.com/OneUptime/oneuptime Looks like they can host it for you (paid): https://oneuptime.com/ #webdev

  • "67 Weird Debugging Tricks Your #Browser Doesn't Want You to Know" https://alan.norbauer.com/articles/browser-debugging-tricks #webdev #debugging A list of useful, not-obvious hacks to get the most out of your browser’s1 debugger. Assumes an intermediate-level-or-higher understanding of the developer tools.

  • "67 Weird Debugging Tricks Your #Browser Doesn't Want You to Know" https://www.wpcharitable.com/extensions/charitable-recurring-donations/ #webdev #debugging A list of useful, not-obvious hacks to get the most out of your browser’s1 debugger. Assumes an intermediate-level-or-higher understanding of the developer tools.

  • Untitled post 59119

    You can laugh at this but often WE (especially #developers) try to fit too many tasks/projects into our limited schedules. BURNOUT. Sometimes when you take a step back it's as silly as this. Also there's a joke about node modules with this #meme as well. #memes #webdev

  • Untitled post 59111

    Customer: "Our #programming intern assures us that the code they wrote will handle the server load and traffic." 🤔 #webdev #memes

  • Untitled post 59102

    In #programming when you rather code around legacy code instead of deleting, replacing, or touching it. #webdev #memes

  • A formula for responsive #font size #webdev #frontend https://jameshfisher.com/2024/03/12/a-formula-for-responsive-font-size/

  • Interesting experiment. "invertornot" is an #API that determines if an image should be inverted for optimal dark-mode rendering. https://invertornot.com/ https://github.com/mattismegevand/invertornot/ #webdev #frontend

  • Untitled post 59072

    "Painting yourself into a corner" is something every experienced #programmer can relate to. #webdev #memes

  • WireQuery is a full-stack session replay tool. Using WireQuery, you can "see how a user experiences an issue through a video-like frontend recording". Free and #opensource https://www.wirequery.io/https://github.com/wirequery/wirequery #webdev #testing

  • This is cool. Visit https://viewsource.info/ and you'll see highlighted as you browser the site the #HTML pieces that make it up. Literally you are viewing the source. #webdev

  • #MentalHealth tip: it's ok to unfollow negative community folks even if they are active contributors or good developers. There's a line between venting on social media vs. nearly every post being negative, berating, or snarky attempts on the framework or community that they've chosen to be a part of. They can do them, but don't…