"How I ship projects at big tech companies" #programming #webdev https://www.seangoedecke.com/how-to-ship/
List of mathematical symbols with their #JavaScript equivalent. #webdev https://math4devs.com/
#JavaScript dos and dont's. Tips and best practices. #webdev https://muan.co/posts/javascript "Start with only #HTML, then progressively enhance it, so it can still work without JavaScript. A table can be pure HTML; a sortable table needs only a dash of JavaScript."
New #CSS that can actually be used in 2024 https://thomasorus.com/new-css-that-can-actually-be-used-in-2024.html #webdev via @thomasorus Nice rant: "The amount of stuff our influencers hype on their websites and newsletters needs to slow down. I know they sincerely like CSS, that their professional life depends on staying up to date and looking relevant in CSS, but damn."
Why I 🧡 the web. "micro-survivors" is a tiny survivors-like game that fits under 14 kB of minified #JavaScript code. #webdev https://github.com/SkaceKamen/micro-survivors/tree/main Play: https://skacekamen.github.io/micro-survivors/
Notepad++ is 21 years old! 😮 https://learnhub.top/celebrating-21-years-of-notepad-the-legendary-journey-of-our-favorite-text-editor/ #texteditor #notepad #webdev
Daylight Savings Ends this Sunday. Most people: "That's another hour of sleep!" Developers(*): "I finally get that additional hour to test my code." Hey #programmers – get that extra hour of #sleep. You earned it. * = Most below the age of 30. #webdev
#Developer Friend: "I imagine my code from last week as a boring old 2-door car. What's your old code look like?" Me: 🤔 #webdev #memes #programming
"Successful Web Development Is Boring Web Development" https://meiert.com/en/blog/boring-web-development/ "We celebrate… new HTML/CSS and JavaScript frameworks… when instead we should celebrate using vanilla HTML/CSS and #JavaScript, and maximizing use of existing frameworks." #webdev #frontend
Text fragments : precise linking to specific text within a web page without the need to add an anchor. https://alfy.blog/2024/10/19/linking-directly-to-web-page-content.html Example: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/URI/Fragment/Text_fragments#:~:text=without%20relying%20on%20the%20presence%20of%20IDs #HTML #webdev
When you are a #developer but are using the "free but very old that all still technically work" #programming tools. #webdev #memes
#HTML Form Validation is heavily underused https://expressionstatement.com/html-form-validation-is-heavily-underused – Using specific type attribute values, such as "email", "number", or "url"– Using other input attributes that create constraints, such as "pattern" or "maxlength"– Using the setCustomValidity DOM method of the input #webdev #frontend
My IDE on Monday showing me the errors in the #code I wrote on Friday before I rushed off into the weekend. #webdev #memes #programming
"Write #code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend." #programming #webdev https://programmingisterrible.com/post/139222674273/write-code-that-is-easy-to-delete-not-easy-to
Anvil is a graphical, multi-pane tiling #editor that integrates closely with the #shell. "It supports syntax highlighting, multiple cursors and selections, remote file editing…" #webdev #cli #go http://anvil-editor.net/
Simple #HTTP Authentication: A Beginner’s Guide #webdev https://zuplo.com/blog/2024/07/31/simple-api-authentication
The State of Frontend 2024: Results from a survey completed by over 6,000 #developers. #frontend #webdev #css https://tsh.io/state-of-frontend/
Because I really wanted to see if (hand quotes) "#AI" was good or bad for my personal #coding development. I kept track of estimated time saved for the past 3 weeks. Week 1: 30 minWeek 2: 1 hrWeek 3: 1-2 hrs Not apples-to-apples each week because of different tasks (last week was a heavy coding…
"Unlocking the Power of #JSON Patch" #webdev #programming https://zuplo.com/blog/2024/10/10/unlocking-the-power-of-json-patch "JSON Patch is a standardized format for describing how to modify a JSON document. It was created to address the need for a simple, efficient, and standardized way to apply partial updates to resources, especially over HTTP. "
#CSS Masonry & CSS Grid https://css-tricks.com/css-masonry-css-grid/ Two competing proposals to solve masonry in CSS. #webdev
As a #developer sometimes you'll see #code comments like this. Often, you'll be the one writing it. #webdev #memes #programming
#coding #programming #webdev "It's not enough for a program to work, it has to work for the right reasons. #Code working for the wrong reasons is code that's going to break when you least expect it." https://buttondown.com/hillelwayne/archive/be-suspicious-of-success/ "And since "correct for right reasons" is a much narrower target than "correct for any possible reason", we…
grab-site is an easy preconfigured web crawler designed for backing up and #archive websites. https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/grab-site Shows a dashboard with all of your crawls, showing which URLs are being grabbed, how many URLs are left in the queue, and more. #python #webdev #opensource
Reminded of ArchiveBox recently. Basically Archive.org but #selfhosted for your site(s). https://docs.sweeting.me/s/archivebox-plugin-ecosystem-announcement "New features coming to the future of self-hosting internet archives: a full plugin ecosystem, P2P sharing between instances, Cloudflare/CAPTCHA solving, auto-logins…" #webdev #tech #archiveorg
The State of ES5 on the Web #JavaScript #webdev https://philipwalton.com/articles/the-state-of-es5-on-the-web/
"Scale Ruins Everything" No, not a #webdev post but close. #Startups, ideas, and a little VC funding but I think worth a read if you're into #tech. Sometimes the most successful ideas and concepts are the ones that remain "not huge". https://coldwaters.substack.com/p/scale-ruins-everything
"#HTML Whitespace is Broken" If you wanted to spend the afternoon reading the "War and Peace" sized blog post about HTML (and some #CSS etc) and HTML whitespace this is your jam. "Deep dive" doesn't do this justice (in a good way). https://blog.dwac.dev/posts/html-whitespace/ via @develwithoutacause #webdev
Interesting: #VSCode extensions that alllows you to edit HTML elements visually within the WebView live. #webdev https://github.com/urin/vscode-web-visual-editor
I like reading about big #mysql updates. Here's one story from #Uber: https://www.uber.com/en-JO/blog/upgrading-ubers-mysql-fleet/ #webdev #database
Dave Farley On What Makes High Quality Code "So I've come to the belief that the only definition of quality in code that makes any sense is our ability to change the code. If it's easy to change, it's high quality; if it's hard to change, it's not." https://www.bennadel.com/blog/4713-dave-farley-on-what-makes-high-quality-code.htm #programming #coding #webdev