
  • "#HTML Whitespace is Broken" If you wanted to spend the afternoon reading the "War and Peace" sized blog post about HTML (and some #CSS etc) and HTML whitespace this is your jam. "Deep dive" doesn't do this justice (in a good way). https://blog.dwac.dev/posts/html-whitespace/ via @develwithoutacause #webdev

  • Untitled post 59737

    Interesting: #VSCode extensions that alllows you to edit HTML elements visually within the WebView live. #webdev https://github.com/urin/vscode-web-visual-editor

  • I like reading about big #mysql updates. Here's one story from #Uber: https://www.uber.com/en-JO/blog/upgrading-ubers-mysql-fleet/ #webdev #database

  • Dave Farley On What Makes High Quality Code "So I've come to the belief that the only definition of quality in code that makes any sense is our ability to change the code. If it's easy to change, it's high quality; if it's hard to change, it's not." https://www.bennadel.com/blog/4713-dave-farley-on-what-makes-high-quality-code.htm #programming #coding #webdev

  • Lessons from Plain Text https://www.rugu.dev/en/blog/plain-text/ "Your #texteditor hides details so you don’t have to overthink. However, there are many times when these details leak through the protection layer that your #text editor tries to provide. And you often don’t notice these complexities until you face them." #webdev #coding

  • Bookmarking this here for #webdev and #QA folks. https://www.donobu.com is a new (and being worked on) #macOS app that creates web flows and rerun them. AI elements, but you don't have to use them. I'm adding the HN (Hacker News) conversation w/ the creators here for background: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41789633

  • Untitled post 59729

    Me: "I'm seeing a lot of warnings in my branches." Friend, not into #programming: 🤔 #memes #webdev

  • Untitled post 59727

    Friend of mine yesterday: "I finally figured out timezones in #programming." Today: #PHP #coding #webdev #memes

  • Why I 🧡 the web. https://player.style/ Winamp and other media players, rebuilt for the web with #WebComponents. Free and #opensource. #webdev

  • Untitled post 59706

    Friend: "Did you see the #CSS redesign of our site on mobile?" Me: 🤔 #webdev #memes

  • A simple way of building a periodic table in #CSS. https://dev.to/madsstoumann/the-periodic-table-in-css-3lmm #webdev

  • Untitled post 59697

    WhoCanUse – A #webdev tool that brings attention to how color contrast can affect people with different visual impairments. #a11y #frontend https://www.whocanuse.com

  • "Hire #HTML and #CSS people" https://robinrendle.com/notes/hire-html-people/ #webdev

  • Untitled post 59689

    Client expectations vs client budget. #memes #webdev

  • #SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes For Writing Vectors By Hand #webdev #frontend #CSS https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/09/svg-coding-examples-recipes-writing-vectors-by-hand/

  • A (somewhat opinionated) list of #SQL tips and tricks. #webdev https://github.com/ben-n93/SQL-tips-and-tricks?tab=readme-ov-file#use-a-leading-comma-to-separate-fields

  • Untitled post 59681

    Frontend vs backend code on many many websites. #webdev #memes #programming

  • json4u takes #JSON and turn it into charts and #graphs. Free / paid plans at https://json4u.com/ but you can apparently #selfhost. https://github.com/loggerhead/json4u #opensource #webdev

  • Creating a custom cursor for your website #HTML #CSS #webdev https://dev.to/bridget_amana/creating-a-custom-cursor-for-your-website-2jpo?ref=web-design-weekly.com

  • Free avatars for web projects (also a #Figma plugin) https://alohe.github.io/avatars/ #webdev #frontend #design

  • "2024: 0.5% of the Global Top 200 Websites Use Valid #HTML" #webdev #coding https://meiert.com/en/blog/html-conformance-2024/

  • cssnano takes your nicely formatted #CSS "and runs it through many focused optimisations, to ensure that the final result is as small as possible for a production environment". #webdev https://cssnano.github.io/cssnano/

  • Untitled post 59647

    Client: "Well, sometimes we have to break accessibility on our site when it gets in the way of other users." Me: 🤔 #webdev #memes #a11y

  • Untitled post 59641

    "How are you doing learning #CSS grid?" Me: 🤔 #webdev #memes

  • "#PHP is the Best Choice for Long‑Term Business" https://tomasvotruba.com/blog/php-is-the-best-choice-for-long-term-business "It's not about the language, but the ecosystem around it, and PHP is the best for long-term business costs." #webdev

  • "The rebelling against #JavaScript frameworks continues… app developer Pieter Levels explained that he builds all his apps with vanilla HTML, #PHP, a bit of JavaScript via #jQuery, and SQLite. No fancy JavaScript frameworks, no modern programming languages, no Wasm." https://thenewstack.io/developers-rail-against-javascript-merchants-of-complexity/ #webdev

  • https://chartdb.io is a "free and #opensource #database editor". #webdev

  • This is awesome. 🧡 A collection of Free Public #APIs for "Students and #Developers" that are tested every day. https://www.freepublicapis.com/ #webdev #programming

  • If you are a #developer, use or like #VIM, and enjoy pain then this is for you: https://vim-racer.com/ "The goal of the game is to navigate to every target as quickly as possible." #webdev

  • Untitled post 59602

    Another one of those "client expectations vs. client budget" #memes I see. #webdev #freelancing