
  • I visited this site when it viral and it captured the fun of the "old web" that you don't see much these days. "Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks" https://eieio.games/essays/scaling-one-million-checkboxes/ #webdev #oldschool

  • Untitled post 59528

    Client: "#Accessibility? But our online automatic AI tools already made our site accessible." 🤔 #webdev #memes #a11y

  • Untitled post 59526

    Perfect. As a web #developer, no notes. #webdev #memes

  • Trying to figure out the best way to go through server log files over 100MB. So far I found this: https://github.com/variar/klogg I'm using a Mac, if that helps. Even text editors i've used in the past (VS Code and even more basic ones) will slow at a certain point. #webdev #programming

  • Untitled post 59514

    "Follow the simple tutorial and i'm sure you can get our code to work for you." #TryingOtherCompaniesCode #programming#webdev #memes

  • "#Programmers Should Never Trust Anyone, Not Even Themselves" #coding #programming #webdev https://carbon-steel.github.io/jekyll/update/2024/06/19/abstractions.html

  • "Software #Design always gets worse before it gets better." https://tidyfirst.substack.com/p/the-trough-of-despair "We can ignore the Sad Truth, try to leap directly to the better design, but reality always gets a veto. Leaping creates risk." #webdev

  • Untitled post 59477

    When you look at code and it's bug that were written last year and ask who wrote it… and this is what Github tells you. #programming #memes #webdev

  • Untitled post 59451

    Ever see something at a grocery store that makes you think about #code comments? #programming #webdev #memes

  • "notebooks are McDonalds of code" https://yobibyte.github.io/notebooks.html #programming #coding #webdev

  • "#OpenSource is a restaurant." "…At a restaurant, you eat your meal first, and then you are expected to pay for it. Yes, we could dine and dash. But we don’t. When presented with a tab for a meal we have just eaten, we pay the tab." https://openpath.chadwhitacre.com/2024/open-source-is-a-restaurant/ #webdev #coding

  • #YouTube and #Vimeo Web Component #webdev https://adrianroselli.com/2024/06/youtube-and-vimeo-web-component.html

  • Untitled post 59417

    #Adobe policy updates. If you use their products for confidential projects, this might be worth being on your radar. Because it's come up in the same conversation – just going to here for my records (and anyone else) this list of alternatives for #Adobe software. https://github.com/KenneyNL/Adobe-Alternatives #webdev #design #photoshop

  • "Managing My Motivation, as a Solo Dev": – Convert external sources to motivation– Leave tasks unfinished– Address the pain, instead of pushing through– Update my users #webdev #developer #programming https://mbuffett.com/posts/maintaining-motivation/

  • "In Praise Of The Basics" https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/05/in-praise-of-the-basics/ "Long live the basics! Long live the “a-ha!” moments that help us all fall in love with the World Wide Web." #webdev #oldschool #html #css

  • Modern #CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That #webdev https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/05/modern-css-layouts-no-framework-needed/

  • "Upgrading #jQuery: Working Towards a Healthy Web" #webdev #JavaScript https://blog.jquery.com/2024/04/17/upgrading-jquery-working-towards-a-healthy-web/ "After analyzing the results of a survey conducted by IDC, the OpenJS Foundation estimated that 90% of all websites use jQuery. And about a third of those use an outdated version."

  • Mediocre Engineer’s guide to #HTTPS https://devonperoutky.super.site/blog-posts/mediocre-engineers-guide-to-https #webdev

  • Untitled post 59348

    "For no good reason we made it so users can see where the space where the feature will go but will have to wait until the next release." 🤔 #webdev #memes #ux

  • “Why don’t we talk about minifying #css anymore?” #webdev https://blog.sentry.io/why-dont-we-talk-about-minifying-css/

  • OH: "What's the difference between a light bulb and a #programmer? A light bulb stops working when it burns out." #programming #webdev #burnout

  • The 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good #webdev #ux #design https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLxJ6PtuF9M

  • Untitled post 59326

    "My debugger crashed just now." 🤔 #programming #webdev #memes

  • SuperFile is a "fancy and modern #terminal file manager". #cli #webdev https://github.com/MHNightCat/superfile

  • Identifying #Font Subsetting Opportunities with Web Font Analyzer #frontend #webdev https://paulcalvano.com/2024-02-16-identifying-font-subsetting-opportunities/

  • #JavaScript Compare Dates: From Chaos to Clarity https://medium.com/@onlinemsr/javascript-compare-dates-fa4f00a24b34 #WebDev

  • "No, I don’t want to fill out your contact form" https://adamjones.me/blog/dont-use-contact-forms/ "Contact forms are almost always worse for users than just putting an email on your website. I explore why they’re terrible, why you’ve done it anyway, and what to do about it." #webdev #ux

  • Untitled post 59300

    Starting work on someone's legacy codebase realizing with TERROR it's not built with the framework you expected. #webdev #programming #memes #JavaScript

  • The WebAIM Million: The 2024 report on the #accessibility of the top 1,000,000 home pages https://webaim.org/projects/million/ #webdev

  • Good enough is…. good enough. https://ep2013.europython.eu/conference/talks/good-enough-is-good-enough Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHG9FRSlPxw "Our culture’s default assumption is that everybody should always be striving for perfection – settling for anything less is seen as a regrettable compromise." #EuroPython #Python #webdev