
  • A site if you need inspiration for wireframes: https://www.wireframe-examples.com/ #design #webdesign

  • Untitled post 58815

    https://gradientslist.com/ claims it's the biggest collection of constantly added gradients on the web "powered by a community of creative people". #design #webdesign

  • https://uicontent.co offers an alternative to Lorem Ipsum with content like testimonials and product descriptions that might be faster to copy and paste into mockups. #design #webdesign

  • A collection of #wireframe examples "you can use as inspiration for your next web project". #webdesign #webdev https://www.wireframe-examples.com/

  • Collection of #SVG company logos https://www.brandbird.app/tools/svg-company-logos #webdesign

  • Untitled post 58458

    The 88×31 #GIF Collection (If you remember these on web pages like I do pat yourself on the back) https://cyber.dabamos.de/88×31/ #oldschool #webdesign

  • RT @unmatchedstyle: Grunt While You Work: A How To bit.ly/1ykbxek @gruntjs #javascript #grunt #webdesign author @giodif http://t.co…