
  • “Front-end developer core skills are HTML and CSS. Every single website is built from them. Nothing is looking to unseat them” @chriscoyier #WCUS

  • “Soft skills are sadly taken for granted in front-end development. It’s important how to communication with others, be good on Slack, etc..” @chriscoyier #WCUS

  • “It’s the browser – living your life in the browser context is what makes a front-end developer.” #WCUS @chriscoyier

  • Visit shoptalkshow.com check out to @chriscoyier @davatron5000 podcast @ShopTalkShow – check out the more recent front-end developer interviews Chris mentioned. #WCUS

  • The room is packed – packed I tell you – for @chriscoyier. #WCUS

  • Listening to @chriscoyier talking about being a frontend developers at @WordCampUS. #WCUS

  • Happiness Bars are going quick this year. @bph got one of the last “Classic Edition” dark chocolate versions I had with me today. #WCUS

  • The @WordCampUS swag store is open, outside of the sponsor area. My kids are going to discover which one of them I love the most, apparently. #WCUS

  • …And @WordCampUS has officially started. Listening to @dustinmeza give some opening remarks. It’s a “nut free” conference, btw (peanuts, nothing personal at me). #WCUS

  • RT @lemonadecode: As a young teenager, I would like to say that I am super exited to watch the #WCUS livestream. And I am also very exited…

  • New #Wapuu at the #WCUS swag store?

  • Loved this boot from @inmotionhosting. There is no 🐍 in it though. #WCUS

  • The #WCUS Google booth is practically a mini Apple store. It’s huge!

  • . @SiteGround #WCUS booth has Plinko.

  • . @yoast booth at #WCUS has trulips (awesome!), LEGO people, and friendly faces.

  • Wow. @BigCommerce has a nice #WCUS booth. Makes me homesick for Florida beaches.

  • Registration is open! #WCUS

  • At least they aren’t elevator doors. #WCUS

  • If you hate the sound of my voice on Twitter, or in general, or hate everything about me… ah, where was I? Oh yes, mute me or the #WCUS hashtag from now until Sunday.

  • Narrator: Always a slow, but early riser…the elusive @WordCampUS attendee begins it’s day. It’s first priorities are coffee, charging electronics, and communicating with the rest of the pack via what they call Twitter. #WCUS

  • ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕🏃🚿☕☕☕☕☕☕ #WCUS

  • Yes, this is a suitcase full of Happiness Bars. There I said it. First step is admitting you have a problem. #WCUS

  • Going to #WCUS tomorrow? Here’s social tips that you probably won’t find in most guides, but need to be said: “Tips Talking w/ People Whose Names You Can’t Remember” davidbisset.com/tips-on-talkin… “WordCamp Guide To Asking Questions To Speakers” davidbisset.com/a-wordcampers-…

  • RT @TweetyThierry: Exciting news, the AMP Plugin for WordPress 1.0.0 was just launched a minute ago amp-wp.org/amp-plugin-1-0… #WCUS A huge th…

  • Spending time with @marktimemedia @DrewAPicture and the awesome @codeablehq team (whom I’ll be sticking the check with). #WCUS

  • This is a really cool effect. #WCUS

  • New night. New restaurant. New heartburn? #WCUS

  • Heading down to downtown Nashville in a bit, near Church St. and Broadway. Any of my #WCUS peeps going to be around?

  • If you still do Twitter lists, I compiled a list of all the @WordCampUS speakers. A good list to follow especially if you’re watching the #WCUS livestream. twitter.com/dimensionmedia…

  • Got text from #wapuu crazed daughter. She “saw only a brief tweet about #WordPress 5.0 release” but is already asking if there’s a stuffed “Bebo” I can buy at the #WCUS swag store tomorrow. #MyKidsNeedToKnowJazzHistory