
  • With #GraphQL you can chain requests and get back a single and make on e HTTP request and get only one in response. @jasonbahl #WCUS

  • RT @johnbillion: Here are the slides from my #WCUS presentation on Git Bisect: speakerdeck.com/johnbillion/in… @WordCampUS

  • Quick introduction to #GraphQL: graphql.org/learn/ WPGraphQL enables a GraphQL API for WordPress sites: github.com/wp-graphql/wp-… @jasonbahl #WCUS

  • .@jasonbahl talking at @WordCampUS now about a government project using #Gutenberg since day one. #WCUS

  • Listening to @kellymccausey at @WordCampUS – talking about how to intelligently curate content. #WCUS

  • WordPress mobile apps and @Gutenberg: React Native – creating a “hybrid approach” to create a “fully native experience”. @astralbodies #WCUS

  • WordPress mobile apps: Looks like media features to make last minute edits on pictures before you publish. Also improving the offline experience. @astralbodies #WCUS

  • Kindly reminder: @WordCampUS attendees PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONES in the room when speakers are on stage. Heard the 7th phone ring interrupt a speaker – a record I think. #WCUS

  • Biggest enhancements to the #WordPress mobile apps has dealt w/ media. @astralbodies is showing off how the apps use native sharing, 3D Touch, on iOS/Android. #WCUS

  • Now listening to @astralbodies at @WordCampUS talk about #WordPress mobile apps. #WCUS

  • “If you have a way to get to know or talk to your end users – take it. Watch any tests w/ users interact with your product, feel any pains.” @LisaLinnAllen #WCUS

  • “Cultivating a compassionate mind-set isn’t in the job description for developers, but needed. Explore user-centered design. Study accessibility.” @LisaLinnAllen #WCUS

  • Accessibility case: “Holding a baby in one arm and a crappy phone in the other, trying to get an appointment online for their kid’s doctor.” @LisaLinnAllen #WCUS

  • “Developer Catnip” will NOW be the name of my new developer rock band. Thanks @LisaLinnAllen. #WCUS

  • “As developers we have the ability to control the end-user experience. Accessibility is really more of a mindset.” @LisaLinnAllen #WCUS

  • .@LisaLinnAllen up next at @WordCampUS on “We Are The Gatekeepers”. #WCUS

  • Basically git bisect – from you telling it when your code as good and when it was bad – splits your commits until you can narrow down the commit that included a bug. @johnbillion #WCUS

  • TIL at @johnbillion talk: It’s Git Bisect and not Git 💪🏻#WCUS

  • Up next: @johnbillion on “Investigation Regressions Quickly Using Git Bisect” at @WordCampUS right now. #WCUS

  • “I wish I knew about this #Gutenberg Handbook sooner, definitely look at this before and during you develop.” wordpress.org/gutenberg/hand… @ataylorme #WCUS

  • A zero-configuration dev toolkit for building WordPress #Gutenberg block plugins (via @MrAhmadAwais) github.com/ahmadawais/cre… @ataylorme #WCUS

  • Make sure you check out the community bazaar at @WordCampUS! #WCUS

  • #WordPress 5.0 adoption levels @ataylorme #WCUS #Gutenberg

  • Listening to @ataylorme talk about how to take on #Gutenberg development in a post-#WordPress 5.0 world. #WCUS

  • “Iteration is an opportunity to create something exciting. You might be surprised where these opportunities take you.” @GaryPendergast #WCUS

  • “As you experience @WordCampUS allow yourself to be interested – it’s easy to be caught up in the hustle or the drama or the politics of the day. Absorb the passion and creativity around you.” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 @GaryPendergast #WCUS

  • “Development tools need to be simple, work everywhere and they need to be available to anyone.” @GaryPendergast #WCUS

  • Second “Edge RIP” joke (first one was done w/ @chriscoyier). Take a drink. #WCUS

  • “Don’t let nostalgia take away the work that you got today. Don’t let it convince you that you can’t keep up. You learned new tools before, you can do it again.” @GaryPendergast on #JavaScript development #WCUS

  • “The next iterations in #WordPress will move us close to platform agnosticism. They’ll run on mobile devices, different CMS, and voice-driven devices. Separate content from presentation.” @GaryPendergast #WCUS