
  • If you’re going to @WordCampUS here’s the projected weather forecast (not bad) weather.com/weather/tenday… #wcus

  • Ever so briefly the flood of #wcus party/meetup invites in my inbox has artificially lifted my self-esteem.

  • My creativity for a custom @buddypress shirt for #wcus is off this year. Best I could get. In case it doesn’t happen, here’s the latest.

  • Bringing a few decks of #Wappu uno cards (#Wappuno) w/ me to #wcus. If u want one & have blackmail material on me, it would be a good time.

  • Core contributor to @buddypress (or contributed in past year) and at #wcus next month? I’ll be happy to buy you a beverage of your choosing.

  • In 2017/18 @WordCampUS will be in Nashville. Would love to see a BuddyCamp outside of Miami. So #wcus so can we get one in 2017? #BuddyPress

  • @andrea_r nice! i’m now going to be able to find you in a crowd much better now, especially at #wcus. 🙂

  • It’s been a tradition for me to do a custom WordPress shirt every year. Having trouble nailing my 80s theme for #wcus. Best so far…

  • Random WordPress Data-Of-The-Day: t-shirt sizes for all attending @WordCampUS in 2 weeks. #wcus central.wordcamp.org/t-shirt-sizes/

  • Sad that i’m missing @WordCampOrlando for the first time. Kudos to those speaking/attending. See you at #wcus or #wcmia. #wcorl

  • RT @andmiddleton: Here’s a #wcus Contributor Day suggested project list; WP community orgs, I hope you’ll join us & bring friends! https://…

  • Unofficial socials starting to form for #wcus. Of course, what i’m looking forward to the most: @post_status event. poststatus.com/publish/

  • If you haven’t already, don’t forget to take the WordPress 2016 survey so we can obsess about numbers at #wcus. wordpressdotorg.polldaddy.com/s/wordpress-20…

  • Contemplating a custom t-shirt for #wcus. Last year it was this bowling shirt (kudos to @marktimemedia) Maybe a @post_status shirt? 🙂

  • #wcus travel booked. Wife officially gave approval. Kids have submitted their swag request forms.

  • Speaking of WordPress happenings, @post_status has an exclusive event happening 12/1, day before WordCamp US: poststatus.com/publish/ #wcus

  • If you’re going to #WCUS, the @post_status “Publish” event happening the day before is a no-brainer: poststatus.com/publish/

  • @jeffgolenski i was using quantity as my yard stick. #wcus could be maybe the halftime show. 🙂

  • @tommcfarlin @JJJ @mattmedeiros what $$$ would i need to get you guys to dress up like that? maybe at @post_status pre-#wcus event.

  • @tommcfarlin yes. I actually mentioned this site in my #wcus talk last Dec.

  • RT @conferenciahq: Proud to update #wcus speaker calls status to “open”. Submit your application! conferencia.io/events/ https://t.co/T8MD…

  • Speaker applications open for @wordcampus. 2016.us.wordcamp.org/2016/06/22/wor… #wcus

  • @miss_jwo i appreciate you even acknowledging. hopefully I can hi next #wcus.

  • RT @andrea_r: Fan of WordCamps? Check out the bags in my shop made from conference tshirts, buff.ly/1tv5TrR #wcsf #wcbos #wcus #wc…

  • “Learn JavaScript Track” was based on @photomatt State of the Word at #wcus. Hope to see it continue at other camps. twitter.com/wordcampmiami/…

  • @hlashbrooke @conferenciahq right now, not much. it’s something i demoed at #wcus and i’ve gotten quite a few pokes to push forward with it.

  • I’ve been to so many WordPress event firsts: #wcmia, #wctpa, #pressnomics, #loopconf, #wcus, etc. Now happy to add #wcjax to that list.

  • @markoheijnen @no_fear_inc did i mention it was good to see you guys at #wcus? Well, it was.

  • Armchair WordCampers: Looks like no WordCamps for… gasp… until Feb. This weekend enjoy @WordCampUS videos: wordpress.tv/event/wordcamp… #wcus

  • A big post-#wcus WordCamp is coming February. It’s in Miami. And early bird tickets are now on sale. miami.wordcamp.org/2016/tickets #wcmia