
  • Yellow. It’s cute. And it’s spectacular. #WAPUU #WCUS

  • Honestly can’t tell yet if @corymiller303 talk will be THE best at @WordCampUS for me, but already know it’ll be at top of the list. #WCUS

  • “Journaling is a good way to get your negative emotions out.” @corymiller303 #WCUS

  • “Have a open, loving, and WYSIWYG people for your support team when your world turns upside down.” @corymiller303 #WCUS

  • “Ego is good. But it becomes a barrier to seeking help – pride – that’s when it gets unhealthily.” @corymiller303 #WCUS

  • “Never let in my life I’ve ever felt more like a failure then by being a parent.” @corymiller303 #WCUS

  • “I was at the peak of my life professionally but lowest of my life personally.” @corymiller303 #WCUS

  • “You only hear about the good stuff in my online bio. But I’ve dealt with insecurity & depression. You’re not alone.” @corymiller303 #WCUS

  • “If we are honest with ourselves life is an iceberg where we naturally show the highlight reel that others first.” @corymiller303 #WCUS

  • .@corymiller303 about to start of one of the @WordCampUS tracks. #WCUS

  • .@WordCampUS opening remarks starts. #WCUS

  • Close captioning seems to be working. #wcus

  • Visiting sponsor area is like being mugged in reverse. Thought I was in line for the bathroom and next thing I knew I got swag. #WCUS

  • Armchair WordCampers? Do you have a pulse? @WordCampUS starts today. Free livestream tickets still available on the site. #wcus

  • Ok @WordCampUS campers. As I drink some coffee I share w/ you this battle cry: “Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more” #wcus

  • New Wapuu collector pins for WordCamp US 2016. Props to @Godaddy & @marktimemedia #wcus godaddy.com/garage/webpro/…

  • Enjoying dinner w/ #PublishConf organizers and volunteers. Drinks & oysters being ordered. If we start late tomorrow now you know why. #wcus

  • RT @conferenciahq: Monitoring now pictures and #Periscopes from folks traveling to #wcus. conferencia.io/dashboard/

  • Courtesy warning: I’ll be tweeting even more than usual starting tomorrow, mainly on #wcus. If i drive you nuts, filter away.

  • #wcus

  • RT @conferenciahq: Update: Dashboard improvements for #wcus. Monitoring Instagram photos/videos, Twitter media, and animated GIFS! https://…

  • RT @pippinsplugins: I’ll be answering questions about product development on stage at #wcus – Is there any question you’d like me to answer?

  • #wcus Packing Log. Stardate: now. Gathering some goodies for my @conferenciahq how and other friends. #wapuu

  • Anyone want to help get a swag package at @WordCampUS for Alex? Extra #wcus shirt, etc. I’ll pay to ship it to him. Ok w/ you @Viper007Bond? twitter.com/danielbachhube…

  • How spoiled are my kids? They’ve already submitted their “swag request forms” to me for @WordCampUS. #wcus

  • @angiemeeker will add it. are you going to #wcus?

  • I’m looking forward to @post_status Publish event at #wcus on Dec 1st. Still a few tickets available. poststatus.com/publish/ #pspublish

  • Armchair WordCampers: Nothing to do this weekend but gird your loins for @WordCampUS next week. So say we all. #wcus

  • As @WordCampUS looms, I remember my first experience at my first large WordCamp. #wcus

  • RT @WordCampUS: Announcing the Kim Parsell Memorial Scholarship Winner: Elizabeth Shilling #wcus 2016.us.wordcamp.org/2016/11/24/ann…