
  • “Someone created an animation gif because they had a dream.” @Ipstenu #wcus

  • Thank you to @dreamhost and @Ipstenu for this robot pin. It’s shrug is something I can relate to. #WCUS

  • “Life isn’t about software. It’s about people. WordPress helps us make stories. @heropress helps tell stories.” @topher1kenobe #wcus

  • .@topher1kenobe talks @heropress at @WordCampUS #wcus

  • Wants to talk @buddypress this weekend at @WordCampUS? Find me. I’m usually near chocolate, coffee, or sponsor who still has shirts. #wcus

  • “Look for people who understands @WPEngine or @getpantheon ecosystems to optimize projects for those environments.” @cjwilburn #wcus

  • “Your sites presentation layer: bonus points if you keep in mind #a11y and keeping non-computer web connected devices in mind.” #wcus

  • “Your data layer must be mostly self explanatory and can be the database or the API.” @cjwilburn #wcus

  • Up next at @wordcampus: @cjwilburn talking about how we define our development stacks. #WCUS

  • There are many photos of @ptahdunbar. This is another one. I’ll think of the caption later. #wcus twitter.com/GiveWP/status/…

  • “Innovation can come from anywhere. Our Roku account just streams faces of bank robbers and we have 35k subscribers.” @kkevilus #wcus

  • Web developers – you think you get negative notes from clients? How about if the FBI was your client? 😲@kkevilus #wcus

  • Today I learned that you need to rob banks 3 times before you get a nickname from the FBI. Thanks @WordCampUS. 💰💰💰 @kkevilus #wcus

  • Entertaining talk from @kkevilus at @wordcampus about how the FBI has used WordPress. #WCUS

  • Now THAT is a disclaimer slide. #WCUS

  • The @wordcampus Swag Store gets more elaborate every year. #WCUS

  • “The WordPress API that needs the most attention is the Menus API.” @pippinsplugins #WCUS

  • “I burned myself out early. Avoid that by offloading dev and support work. Bring something else in, slow at first.” @pippinsplugins #WCUS

  • “If we want the WordPress economy to continue to grow we need to further address how to make it easer to customize.” @pippinsplugins #WCUS

  • Life’s tough questions. @pippinsplugins #WCUS

  • “Don’t fund your products by donations. I have made $50 in five in years by donations.” @pippinsplugins #WCUS

  • “Selling other people’s code in the @eddwp instead of just our own at start was one of our big mistakes.” @pippinsplugins #WCUS

  • “One of the biggest mistakes developed make is lack of foresight cud and not charging enough for your work.” @pippinsplugins #WCUS

  • “Best ways to stay motivated with your work is to stop working.” @pippinsplugins #WCUS

  • “Don’t assume you know anything about users environments. Code defensively when it comes to your product changes.” @pippinsplugins #WCUS

  • “When it comes to theme and plugin features, less is more.” @pippinsplugins #wcus

  • “Features that we seriously consider building should be used by 80% of our customers.” @pippinsplugins #wcus

  • “Successful WordPress theme companies need to stand out, find a niche, and avoid building all-in-be themes.” @pippinsplugins #wcus

  • “Answers By @pippinsplugins” could almost be the name that f a geeky cologne. #WCUS

  • Saw a really nice .blog commercial featuring @photomatt just now at @wordcampus #WCUS