
  • Hey @wordcampus attendees – watch out. #WAPUU apparently are high maintenance. Now where am *i* going to sleep?!?! #wcus

  • Here’s the @humanmadeltd white paper on the WordPress REST API, good to give to clients: hmn.md/wordpress-rest… #wcus

  • “WordPress REST API can be adopted by outside communities. Maybe they won’t hate us so much. lol.” @petyeah #wcus

  • “The REST API results in resuable content and ability to use different frontend technologies to target different platforms.” @petyeah #wcus

  • ustwo.com (creators of Monument Valley) uses the WordPress Rest API and #reactjs on the frontend. @petyeah #wcus

  • .@WIRED uses the WordPress Rest API for liveblogging and had a billion views in 2015. @petyeah #wcus

  • . @petyeah slides are doing a good job explaining the REST API to non-developers. #wcus

  • .@edesaulniers talking at @WordCampUS now about she used WordPress to change laws and save lives. #wcus

  • .@petyeah now talking about the WordPress REST API at @WordCampUS. #wcus

  • “Everyone who burns out started by loving the work that they did. Just across the board.” @JosephaHaden #wcus

  • .@chrislema delivering an excellent talk at @WordCampUS on finding your voice by blogging. #wcus

  • Burnout busters: – REALLY relax when relaxing – Do awesome things outside work – Not being “on” 24/7 – Eat. Sleep. @JosephaHaden #WCUS

  • “The first stages of burnout is usually a result that people that are overworking proving they belong.” @JosephaHaden #WCUS

  • .@JosephaHaden has such a cheerful manner seen now in her talk she could read me my own death sentence and I’d still be smiling. #WCUS

  • .@JosephaHaden is up now talking about workspace burnout and “compassion fatigue” at @wordcampus. #WCUS

  • “We know the WordPress plugin search currently sucks, btw.” @Ipstenu #wcus

  • “Plugin devs don’t want 5 star reviews. nothing to learn from them. 4 star ones relate what little things are missed.” @Ipstenu #WCUS

  • “It’s impossible for everyone to completely and utterly love your product. It’s statistically impossible.” @Ipstenu #wcus

  • .@courtneydawn talks at @WordCampUS on CMS diversity in museums. #wcus

  • “We aren’t code. But together we build the code that runs WordPress together.” @Ipstenu #WCUS

  • “Survival is this: You aren’t code. WE are code. We aren’t alone. We are making things better for everyone else.” @Ipstenu #wcus

  • “The only person who can truly make you look stupid (besides your parents) is you. Did not try to outlast grumpy people.” @Ipstenu #WCUS

  • “If you can convince yourself not to be stupid and you aren’t right all time, you’ll protect yourself from everything.” @Ipstenu #wcus

  • “You can’t teach a pig to sing. It’ll frustrate you and it annoys the pig.” @Ipstenu #WCUS

  • “Product Support is sometimes like War Games. Only way to win against those who don’t listen to you is not play the game.” @Ipstenu #wcus

  • .@Ipstenu quotes Princess Bride when it comes to support: “Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” #wcus

  • “People aren’t working and helping because they think they’re better than you. They just want to help others.” @Ipstenu #WCUS

  • “We have people saying to us that if we don’t make your code free, you’re greedy.” @Ipstenu #WCUS

  • “If you contribute to open source, you are an artist.” @Ipstenu #wcus

  • “Like Prometheus being picked apart by birds endlessly, that’s how you feel when you do support.” @Ipstenu #WCUS