
  • Member of WordPress community? DEFIANTLY should watch @jeckman @WordCampUS talk about #wpdrama to see if you’re part of the problem. #wcus

  • They really need to sell aspirin at WordCamps. #wcus

  • “WordPress and BuddyPress are pretty secure out of the box. Monitor your custom code and do a security audit.” @LisaSabinWilson #WCUS

  • RT @TurnpikeWarrior: BuddyPress Presentation by @LisaSabinWilson #wcus speakerdeck.com/lswilson/buddy…

  • The BuddyPress Theme Development book by @karmatosed is available on Amazon: amazon.com/BuddyPress-The… @LisaSabinWilson #wcus

  • “We are doing more and more intranets with WordPress as companies are seeing its potential.” @LisaSabinWilson #WCUS

  • The National Park Service’s intranet is powered by WordPress and @buddypress. @LisaSabinWilson #WCUS

  • Badgeos.org is a plugin that allows you to gameify your WordPress/BuddyPress site. @LisaSabinWilson #wcus

  • This is cool: WordPress and BuddyPress powers the @starbucks training intranet. @LisaSabinWilson #WCUS

  • “With @buddypress you can use what you want. Off modules can be turned on months later to add more functionality.” @LisaSabinWilson #WCUS

  • .@themotherofcode now talking at @WordCampUS about what you do after releasing a WordPress product. #wcus

  • Use profiles in @buddypress are sometimes all some sites use it for. Member directory included. @LisaSabinWilson #WCUS

  • So @LisaSabinWilson asks who in the audience uses @buddypress and I think I dislocated my shoulder raising my hand. #WCUS

  • As a @buddypress guy I had to attend @LisaSabinWilson talk on BuddyPress and intranets. #WCUS

  • “Contains Nuts” #WCUS

  • I actually got stressed reading this sign. 🙂 #wcus

  • Only this subject would require a last minute update? #wcus

  • “Regarding SEO as a small business, first you really still need to think about what your marketing message is going to be.” @jdevalk #wcus

  • RT @williamsba: WordCamp US jobs board is full! #wcus

  • Kyt is a toolkit that encapsulates and manages the configuration for web apps. github.com/NYTimes/kyt @wonderboymusic #wcus

  • “When it comes to directory sites – spending money to get links to your site for SEO isn’t worth it.” @jdevalk #wcus

  • “I like to keep the SEO in a plugin and the design in the theme.” @jdevalk #wcus

  • Nice WordCamp tips from @shaptora at @wordcampus right now on how to interact and meet friends. #wcus

  • “New York Times is moving to the Google platform because it’s alot faster for us than Amazon AWS.” @wonderboymusic #wcus

  • The award for best t-shirt worn by a @WordCampUS speaker goes to @wonderboymusic. Cookie Monster FTW. #wcus

  • .@wonderboymusic now on stage at @WordCampUS talking about WordPress + Internationalizing at @nytimes #wcus

  • Armchair WordCampers: Today is 2nd day of @WordCampUS including @photomatt State of the Word. Livestream here: 2016.us.wordcamp.org/live-stream/ #wcus

  • Dear @WordCampUS, My demand is simple. #wcus

  • Rough night. #WAPUU #WCUS

  • To all those who made comments on my on tweeting at @WordCampUS: Thank you for your feedback – I’ll pass that along to my therapist. #wcus