
  • In 2016, 3193 WordPress Meetup events in 58 countries with 62,566 attending. @photomatt #wcus

  • “Actual cost per person cost for @wordcampus is $516.” @photomatt #wcus

  • They are throwing #WAPUU – this is some sort of animal cruelty. #WCUS

  • Let’s give the @WordCampUS volunteers our thanks. They did an awesome job. #WCUS

  • Font Grade: A+ – we are nearing a late night talk show look and feel. #WCUS

  • He’s not threatening to jump. #Wappu #WCUS

  • As expected, an incredible turnout for @photomatt State of the Word at @WordCampUS . #wcus

  • Line forming for @photomatt state of the word. Livestream available: 2016.us.wordcamp.org/live-stream/st… #WCUS

  • “Verification via credit card or going through phone companies won’t work for all economic classes.” @nacin #WCUS

  • Wow. This @WordCampUS is @nacin 50th WordCamp. #wcus

  • The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau is a US government site that runs on WordPress. consumerfinance.gov @nacin #wcus

  • “Generally speaking the government is going in the direction of open source.” @nacin #wcus

  • “Election Day was day 666 for me.” @nacin #WCUS

  • “Getting involved outside of government? Get involved in local coding communities. Build diversity. Work on WordPress.” @nacin #wcus

  • Future of #USDS? “There are still going to be veterans, people need healthcare, etc. It’s not going away IMO.” @nacin #wcus

  • “WordPress and the WordPress community needs to give voices to the voiceless.” @nacin #wcus

  • “Does your product require high bandwidth? 10% of americans don’t have access to high speed internet.” @nacin #wcus

  • “Ethnic cabin software is also about WHO has access to your software.” @nacin #wcus

  • “Software is ultimately the reflection it gets from the people that build it.” @nacin #WCUS

  • “I don’t want a bot, I just want the damn weather.” @nacin #WCUS

  • “Ethical decisions are more critical today: programmers of self-driving cars in accident prioritize who lives and who dies.” @nacin #WCUS

  • “Our industry is at a crossroads. The world is full of opportunities of change via technology.” @Nacin #WCUS

  • “WordPress has been heavily involved for people wanting to break news and safe info on the Internet.” @nacin #wcus`

  • “@USDS designs with users and not just for users.” @nacin #wcus

  • “The immigration system is almost entirely paper based. The headquarters are literally located in a cave.” @nacin #wcus

  • “I work for the government and my thoughts here don’t reflect the opinion of my current… or future… employer.” @Nacin #wcus

  • Packed crowd for @nacin talk. #wcus

  • .@nacin takes the @WordCampUS stage with “WordPress reflections”. #wcus

  • I had two #WAPUU. I put them in a nice candlelit room w/ Marvin Gaye music and now… #WCUS

  • This job board at @WordCampUS is amazing. Lots of opportunities in WordPress. #WCUS