
  • .@MarcBenzak asks his to look under our seats. Nothing there. “You can’t get something for nothing. It takes work.” #WCUS

  • .@MarcBenzak was inspired by @marktimemedia @corymiller303 @vegasgeek regarding getting healthier. #WCUS

  • Best warning message in a #wcus slide. @MarcBenzak

  • .@MarcBenzak talking at #WCUS. His title: “Fat, Happy, and Fifty”. You had me at “Fat”.

  • “If I was organizing a WordCamp, I would market directly to deaf people. Many (non-deaf) people assume they won’t come.” @biancawelds #WCUS

  • .@biancawelds does the sign for “Mango”. Next going to ask her how to say “#Gutenberg” and see what happens. #WCUS

  • “Although there aren’t any #WordPress meet ups in Jamaica, it’s the biggest CMS used in Jamaica. We have a lot of bloggers.” @biancawelds #WCUS

  • Tools used to build learnjsl.com: @BeaverBuilder @calderaforms YouTube Embed Plugin (wordpress.org/plugins/youtub…) @biancawelds #WCUS

  • Listening to @biancawelds story at #WCUS allows one to appreciate one of the BEST ways #WordPress can help a non-tech community, like the deaf community in Jamaica.

  • learnjsl.com was built with WordPress and benefits the Jamaican Sign Language community. Now 80+ people trained and growing. @biancawelds #WCUS

  • “I built a prototype site for the deaf community with #WordPress overnight.” #WCUS

  • Ok, so my stock of Happiness Bars are already gone. Thanks to those asking, I’m bringing more tomorrow. #WCUS

  • “There’s a shortage of sign language interpreters in Jamaica. The deaf community isn’t even officially recognized in the country.” #WCUS

  • .@biancawelds talking about Jamaican Sign Language now at #WCUS and how #WordPress plays a part. She’s also the receivers of the Kim Parsell Memorial Scholarship Winner.

  • Next up at #WCUS: @biancawelds talking about “Jamaican Sign Language and #WordPress”. Her first WordCamp was @wordcampmiami. A success story! #wcmia

  • Interesting thing @SiteLock has going on at #WCUS: caricatures. Might do this on a dare. Dare me!

  • “Contributing is addictive. Once someone discovers they can do it, they usually want to do more.” @FrancescaMarano #WCUS

  • Good tip: before doing a contributor day start with a contributor NIGHT (or meetup). @FrancescaMarano #WCUS

  • .@GoDaddy (also big supporters of @wordcampmiami) goes with nice books and LEGOS at #WCUS.

  • …and @SiteGround is giving away a guitar. Kudos to them for not requiring signup at booth. Puck was a nice touch. #WCUS

  • Tips on starting your own contributor day: – Find a (free) from w/ wifi – Organize food and coffee (look for sponsors to cover costs) – Tell everyone about it – Get help from team members @FrancescaMarano #WCUS

  • Now up: @FrancescaMarano talking about standalone contributor days. #WCUS

  • #gutenberg testing booth is interesting. Surveys and examples take and more. #WCUS

  • .@jetpack has some nice mugs at #WCUS

  • Lines gathering for #WCUS Shirts. #WCUS

  • Docs team, community team, training team, design team, support team, marketing team, accessibility team, wptv, etc. – all these are ways to contribute to WordPress without coding. @JosephaHaden #WCUS

  • Five stages of open source volunteers: Connecting Understanding Engaging Performing Leading @JosephaHaden #WCUS

  • “When you’re in @graphql you make one request, it does the rest of the dirty work for you.” @jasonbahl #WCUS

  • By show of hangs: lots in the crowd heard of @graphQL, a few use it, but very few use it with WordPress. @jasonbahl #WCUS

  • @JosephaHaden up now at #WCUS talking about contributions to WordPress for beginners. #WCUS