
  • Reminder: WordPress adds specific css classes to the <body> tag, allowing you to target specific pages. @zoonini #WCUS

  • ::before and ::after allows you to add content before or after an element. #css Dark magic! @zoonini #WCUS

  • Don’t want something visible on your site? Use the dark magic of display:none. Use visibility:hidden hides the element but preserves the space. #css @zoonini #WCUS

  • “If you code in CSS get to know browser inspectors: pick one and get to know it.” @zoonini #wcus I’m found of Chrome’s and Firefox’s personally.

  • .@zoonini now up at #WCUS talking about CSS secrets for beginners.

  • wA11y: WordPress plugin that provides a toolbox of resources to help you improve the accessibility of your WordPress website. wordpress.org/plugins/wa11y/ @Josh412 #WCUS

  • .@Josh412 is talking about the excuses people use to not make their sites accessible. #WCUS

  • Why does the carpet at #WCUS venue remind me of my @github commit history?

  • Tide isn’t just a laundry detergent. #WCUS

  • Like a beacon in a storm, @wpengine booth tractor beams you in. #WCUS

  • “I think at a brand level we need to get more organized at what message on the community level we want to project.” @CTdotLive #WCUS

  • . @DreamHost has a nice cozy booth at #wcus this year.

  • “Other companies like @wiz are figuring out that community is important, what WordPress already has.” @CTdotLive #WCUS

  • .@automattic helped artinmotiondet.com (an independently-owned ceramics studio) to get online w/ commerce via #WordPress. @CTdotLive #WCUS

  • “We are working with rebrand.city to reach out to small businesses. We are helping them make money and impact.” @CTdotLive #WCUS

  • Looking at @wix and @squarespace homepages – you can tell this doesn’t fit the message of WordPress. Our goal is to democratize publishing. @CTdotLive #WCUS

  • #WordPress currently hold 29.1% of the marketshare. @CTdotLive #WCUS

  • Wiz: paying subscribers have increased 50% in paying subscribers since 2011. Shopify now has 500k customers. @CTdotLive #WCUS

  • We should think about #WordPress as a ”corporate competitor”. @CTdotLive #WCUS

  • .@ctdotlive now at #WCUS talking about the “next phase of #WordPress growth”,

  • #wapuu shirt sighting at @WordCampUS. I’ll have a few more tomorrow. #wcus #wcmia @sucurisecurity

  • After listening to @MarcBenzak – a note for WordCamp organizers… ask about dietary needs during ticket registration. Try to provide a vegan option at events. #WCUS

  • “To get on a successful fitness journey, find people to support you and try to stay way from the toxic ones.” @MarcBenzak #WCUS

  • I call Vegan “joyless eating”. @MarcBenzak #wcus Marc might need an escort to his car later today.

  • “Focus on the process rather than goal. Goals change – process not so much.” @MarcBenzak #WCUS

  • “Instead of ‘Just Do it’… ‘Just Do Better’.” @MarcBenzak #WCUS

  • “Don’t get hard on yourself if you fall back on a bad habit. Get back up and tips the scales so you’re doing more good habits then bad.” @MarcBenzak #WCUS

  • RT @dimensionmedia: Hey #WCUS, just leaving this here: “A WordCamper’s Guide To Asking Questions At Conferences”: davidbisset.com/a-wordcampers-…

  • Hey #WCUS, just leaving this here: “A WordCamper’s Guide To Asking Questions At Conferences”: davidbisset.com/a-wordcampers-…

  • “When it comes to positive things – start small. Start with changing one bad habit a time.” @MarcBenzak #WCUS