
  • Behat is an open source Behavior-Driven Development framework for #PHP behat.org/en/latest/ @tessak22 #WCUS

  • “Let robots build your Sass and Gulp tasks for you, saving you time from doing it manually.” @tessak22 #WCUS

  • Starting the morning at #WCUS w/ @tessak22 from @getpantheon on “Conquering Continuous Integration & Deployment”.

  • Another #wapuu shirt sighting! It’s the 80s version from #wcmia. #WCUS

  • If you’re at #WCUS and haven’t visited the Community Bazaar, I recommend it. Here are displays from @wpcampusorg @WomenWhoWP @wordcampatl.

  • RT @rmccue: In the lead up to State of the Word at #wcus, I figured it was a good time to look back with a State of the REST API in 2017: h…

  • #WCUS #coffeeIV

  • For those who haven’t yet had a Happiness Bar, here’s a good up close look at the ingredients. #WCUS twitter.com/libbeydesign/s…

  • End of #WCUS day one. Current status…

  • “My crystal ball is full of fog.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “In the old days, themes shipped with their own customizer but they migrated their features into the official WordPress customizer. Could also happen w/ #Gutenberg blocks.” @mor10 #wcus

  • “Plugin developers should naturally build on top of #Gutenberg but there’s still room making custom items.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • RT @zoonini: Inspired by @mor10’s talk? Test out Gutenberg tomorrow in the hallway track and help make it better. #WCUS https://t.co/cmIBd8…

  • “#Gutenberg separates design from content at the block level.” @mor10 #wcus

  • “We can leapfrog WordPress like @photomatt said. This is our chance right now, our time.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • Somebody just saw #Gutenberg from the future. #WCUS

  • “#Gutenberg isn’t a page builder killer IMO, I think it opens those apps to create and build whole new things.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “We might have to draw a line at some point and offer the #Gutenberg experience or a ‘classic’ experience.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “You can contribute starting tomorrow by providing feedback or start installing it and provide your feedback to the team.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “What you see is NOT what you get… what you CONTRIBUTE is what you get.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “WYSIWYG only works when EVERYONE starts contributing.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “In the future WYSIWYG is something the USER will say, not the developer.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “The web has been confined to a square screen but #Gutenberg has ability to take us to the whole view and everything.” @mor10 #wcus

  • “Right now we have content block in an editor, but the next step for #Gutenberg is to take over the whole page.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “#Gutenberg was NEVER AN EDITOR REPLACEMENT. It’s more like #WordPress trying to become actual WYSIWYG,” @mor10 #WCUS

  • More on @woocommerce experiments with #Gutenberg mentioned by @mor10 woocommerce.com/2017/11/woocom… #WCUS

  • “#Gutenberg And The Ship Of Theseus” mentioned by @mor10 matiasventura.com/post/gutenberg… #WCUS

  • “If we have the ability to setup with blocks, we can do things we couldn’t do before. @yoast is looking at contextual enhancements for example.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “Editing in #Gutenberg is a new way in editing in #WordPress because of the block system.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • .@mor10 is showing off “new and unique” aspects of #Gutenberg at @WordCampUS. #WCUS