
  • So far the live demo of #Gutenberg via @matias_ventura is going smoothly. #WCUS

  • .@matias_ventura doing a live demo of #Gutenberg at #StateOfTheWord at @wordcampus #WCUS

  • Gutenberg so far: 4300 commits from 100+ contributors and 1796 issues. 18 major iterations. @photomatt #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • #Gutenberg has been the longest-running major feature development #WordPress we’ve ever had. @photomatt #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • .@wpcli became an official WordPress product this year. make.wordpress.org/cli/ @photomatt #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • “We have a lot to do for the REST API. Eventually we want all of WP-ADMIN to go through the API.” @photomatt #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • No default theme this year – no TwentySeventeen theme – so we could maintain focus on our core goals this year. @photomatt #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • Restore auto saves in the customizer, in case you are distracted by your CHILDREN and a mistake happens. *cough* #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • Share changes with a client and have them review them without an account or going into the customizer. #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • Key feature of WordPress 4.9: schedule and draft changes to customizer. #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • 443 contributors to WordPress 4.9 #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • That’s supposed to be “widgets”. WordPress brought no new wedges. #WCUS twitter.com/dimensionmedia…

  • WordPress 4.8 added Rich text formatting and link boundaries. #WCUS #StateOfTheWord

  • WordPress 4.8 brought new wedges and widget updates. @melchoyce #WCUS #StateOfThe Word

  • This 36.28% was double from last year. #WCUS twitter.com/dimensionmedia…

  • Two releases in 2017: Editing, Customization, and REST API were the focuses. #WCUS @photomatt #StateOfTheWord

  • 36.28% WordPress sites using HTTPS. #WCUS @photomatt #StateOfTheWord

  • Here’s @photomatt info on the Growth Council post from Dec 2016: ma.tt/2016/12/wp-gro… #WCUS

  • “First meeting of the Growth Control is NEXT week.” @photomatt #WCUS #StateoftheWord

  • Tide is a “series of automated tests run against every plugin and theme in the directory.” @photomatt #WCUS #StateoftheWord

  • 1,166 themes and 2,2023 plugins with a language pack. @photomatt #WCUS #StateoftheWord

  • Hackerone update: successful numbers. #wcus @photomatt #StateOfTheWord

  • wordpressfoundation.org/donate is where you can support the educational work of the WordPress Foundation. @photomatt #WCUS #StateoftheWord

  • do_action was a success, to grow bigger next year. @photomatt #WCUS #StateoftheWord

  • $15k to @hackthehood Internet Archive and @BlackGirlsCode @photomatt #WCUS #StateOfTheWord

  • 31.6% increase in average monthly meet up attendance thanks to events Widget. @photomatt #WCUS #StateoftheWord

  • Nice nice numbers. #WCUS

  • 4,379 meet ups happening in 73 countries. #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • WCUS is the 128th WordCamp this year. Almost 40k tickets sold, about 6.8% up from last year. 1000+ organizers. #WCUS

  • Thanks to the #WCUS organizers.