
  • No comment or caption. Just needed a pic of @mor10 asking @photomatt a question. #WCUS

  • .@mor10 asking a #SOTW question. Take a drink. #WCUS

  • “I would like to see improvements in the admin screens in #WordPress multisite.” @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • “There have been some really cool multisite improvements this year.” “I know, they’re mine.” #WCUS #SOTW

  • Although a little lengthy, I appreciate some of the questions being asked at #WCUS #STOW. It’s all #Gutenberg I guess though. 🙂

  • “We are diffantely building for those brand new to WordPress (via #Gutenberg)” @photomatt #WCUS #STOW

  • RT @post_status: New Post: State of the Word, by @photomatt at WordCamp US. #wcus poststatus.com/matt-mullenweg…

  • Here’s the link to my post about asking questions at conferences. I suggest we read it. Again. davidbisset.com/a-wordcampers-… #WCUS twitter.com/FrancescaMaran…

  • “It’ll take a lot of work for #Gutenberg to become the standard. WYSIWYG took the same tough road 12 years ago.” @photomatt #WCUS #STOW

  • “You have to make a cost benefit analysis in determining classic mode vs. #Gutenberg.” @photomatt #WCUS #STOW

  • “If you’re a plugin developer for #Gutenberg your users will eventually want the #Gutenberg features. So you’ll need to support it.” @photomatt #WCUS #STOW

  • “I was one of the more vocal critics, but what’s I’ve today is really impressive.” @givewp developer to @photomatt #WCUS #STOW

  • Shortcodes, people. Shortcodes. Damn this anti-dessert autofiller #WCUS twitter.com/dimensionmedia…

  • Sales of Aladdin just went up. @photomatt #WCUS #STOW

  • With #Gutenberg we want to replace shortcakes, menus, and widgets. @photomatt #WCUS #STOW

  • Three focuses on 2018: #Gutenberg editing, #Gutenberg customization, and a #Gutenberg theme. @photomatt #WCUS #STOW

  • .@photomatt keeps his “lead hat” into 2018. #WCUS #STOW

  • #WordPress 29.1% marketshare. @photomatt #WCUS #STOW

  • Classic editor plugin: wordpress.org/plugins/classi… @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • Let’s have 280 #Gutenberg blocks. @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • WordPress introduced WYSIYG 12 years ago. #Gutenberg will be around for the next 12 years. @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • #Gutenberg might be ready by April. @photomatt #SOTW #WCUS

  • #Gutenbeard #wcus

  • The more successful the #Gutenberg live demo is going, the wider the smile on @photomatt face becomes. #WCUS

  • Themes can didcate to #Gutenberg additional colors and #Gutenberg can warn if the contrast isn’t right. Nice. @matias_ventura #SOTW #WCUS

  • You can save blocks and reuse them later. Sounds plain but seeing it in action is cool. @matias_ventura #Gutenberg #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • .@matias_ventura) showing off “latest post” block in #Gutenberg that updates lives. #StateOfTheWord @WordCampUS #WCUS

  • <marquee> baby. #WCUS

  • Changing the image and media settings in #Gutenberg (via @matias_ventura) is very impressive. #StateOfTheWord @WordCampUS #WCUS

  • In a hurry to see what #Gutenberg can do? Use the demo in the menu bar. #StateOfTheWord #WCUS @matias_ventura