
  • @Ipstenu FIY: Not sure if you’re a chocolate person, but got a Happiness Bar with your name on it. Hope to be able to say hi at #wcus if you are there.

  • Going to @WordCampUS? Here’s my usual social guides: “Tips Talking w/ People Whose Names You Can’t Remember” davidbisset.com/tips-on-talkin… “WordCamp Guide To Asking Questions To Speakers” davidbisset.com/a-wordcampers-… “Selling Yourself To The WP Community” davidbisset.com/how-to-sell-yo… #WCUS

  • Hackathon at @wordcampus for automated accessibility testing for #WordPress (w/ @dequesystems). “We can use help from core and #Gutenberg developers.” #WCUS make.wordpress.org/accessibility/…

  • Yippie. Social anxiety for @WordCampUS starting early this year. #WCUS

  • @NewYorkerLaura @ChrisWiegman just had people ask if a few of the the Happiness Bars i’m bringing might be available at the #wcus Happiness Bar, and told them I had to ask. erinfonzidenton.com/img/portfolio/…

  • @WordCampUS can you point me in the direction of someone who would be in charge of the Happiness Bar at #WCUS?

  • @karmatosed is there any vegan bars (as close to the size of a Hershey bar so the wrapper might work) you could recommend or personally like for #wcus? Might be able to spend a little extra 💰😄

  • @sillygrampy @WordCampUS Are there any Hersey bar sized chocolate bars that are? If so, i’ll include them in the #wcus batch.

  • At @WordCampUS during lunch I would like to be seated in the (deep breath)… ✅ non-smoking ✅ building-community talk encouraged ✅ Gutenberg-debate-free ✅ Google AMP suspicious ✅ “Ask Me About My Favorite Dev Tools” …section. And preferably not close to restrooms. #WCUS

  • #wcus always has a nice atmosphere but this year in particular let’s up the happiness factor. If any company would like to contribute or sponsor me to bring Happiness Bars at @WordCampUS this year, let me know. My (+ my kids) will do the work!

  • BTW, credit to @marktimemedia for this #wapuu bowling graphic. Never would have been a #wcus bowling shirt without it. twitter.com/dimensionmedia…

  • Positive step for #Gutenberg and accessibility: hackathon at @wordcampus on December 9th w/ @dequesystems: make.wordpress.org/accessibility/… #WordPress #WCUS

  • Happy weekend #WordPress folks. Still looking for a small job or project to help with travel expenses for @WordCampUS. If you got something or can pass it along, thanks in advance! #wcus

  • If there’s a small #WordPress or @BuddyPress job out there, let me know. Earning some 💵 for my @WordCampUS trip. Thanks for spreading the word and consideration! #wcus

  • I know no matter when you rollout #Gutenberg you’ll hit a holiday for someone, but IMO it makes sense to time testing or what-have-you over #WCUS (even if literally everyone can’t physically attend, yes). If I were a gambler, I would put money on the secondary release date.

  • @carlhancock While i don’t mind #WCUS if it’s at the very beginning of December, have to admit the rest of the month is hard to do anything “top level” importance so yeah, don’t disagree there.

  • Conceding as one not knowing all the details about the 2016 #wcus drama and this. But I understand the anger and confusion. This simply doesn’t look good at all. twitter.com/zgordon/status…

  • @williamsba Forget that. I’m selling popcorn, pitchforks, and torches at #wcus. I need a sponsor.

  • My wishes for @WordCampUS this year: – A “quiet area” – A coffee area – A “we promise not to talk about #Gutenberg or recent acquisitions” area. #WCUS

  • RT @WordCampUS: The Call for Volunteers has been extended to July 31st! #WCUS #WordPress #WordCamp 2018.us.wordcamp.org/2018/06/29/cal…

  • On the last day of #WCUS accepting speaker submissions, I submitted a talk on procrastination.

  • @chriswallace @JS_Zao @williamsba @carlhancock @DavidWolfpaw @WordCampOrlando 20 degrees? No. I looked at both #WCUS Philly weather histories and it’s not close. 40-50s. Prove me wrong! 🙂 wunderground.com/history/airpor…

  • @williamsba @chriswallace @carlhancock @DavidWolfpaw @WordCampOrlando So basically you all want Miami for #WCUS in March 2021. Got it.

  • @carlhancock @williamsba He didn’t give a date, but I would assume so. They’ll confirm it by this year’s #WCUS.

  • Here’s the full #WordPress #Gutenberg roadmap in one shot announced by @photomatt at @WCEurope #WCUS

  • @ci_chrisford @WPSessions @hellofromTonya @wordcampmiami @robertnienhuis Maybe we can have a shirt meetup at #WCUS. I’ll bring a few.

  • .@Dries #DrupalCon slides are published, which provide interesting information even if you aren’t a @drupal developer. Some remind me of @photomatt slides at #WCUS. drupal.org/blog/state-of-…

  • WordCamp Organizers: A note that the LiveStream Kits are being retired. make.wordpress.org/tv/2018/03/30/… Here’s to hoping that more WordCamp venues can livestream like #wcmia #wcus #wceu

  • “Google dedicates engineering team to accelerate development of #WordPress ecosystem” (mentions Google’s presence at #wcus) searchengineland.com/need-speed-goo…

  • @davidlaietta @fetc yeah it’s a huge educational conference. like the #wcus of educational/tech.