
  • Please join me in thanking 423+ contributors (many at #WCUS) *AND* their families for the time and hard work in making #WordPress 5.0 and translating it into 37+ languages. wordpress.org/news/2018/12/b…

  • Officially #WordPress 5.0 has been downloaded 18k times so far. A few of those from #WCUS I’m sure. #Gutenberg wordpress.org/download/count…

  • As promised I’m observing #WordPress 5.0 in my #WCUS hotel shower. Someone tell @jeffr0 this is my last🚿 joke tweet.

  • #WordPress #Gutenberg #WCUS #WP5

  • I have prepared the shower in my #WCUS hotel and readying Bee Gees “Stayin’ Alive” on repeat. twitter.com/dimensionmedia…

  • Webinar on #WordPress 5.0 after #WCUS with @ataylorme and @rzen: pantheon.io/resources/dece…

  • @cswordpress looking forward to talking with you at #WCUS, even if it’s briefly. Safe travels! 🙂

  • I personally know several developers burning some midnight oil tonight and pre-#WCUS. This week we’re seeing strength in the #WordPress community in the sacrifices being made and those stepping up. 👍🏻

  • Ok, time over for socials. Time to buckle down for the night and possibly an interesting ride tomorrow. #WCUS

  • On #WCUS eve, if we can break from jazz musician tradition for #WordPress release and make this guy the poster child of #Gutenberg / 5.0 that would make my year*. * = Don’t @ me. Last name is close enough.

  • Love the style of some of the hotels in Nashville. This year my hotel has got some style with 🎸 hanging in the lobby. Pics of humans with guitars on every wall. Wood USB chargers on the tables. #WCUS

  • Listening to WordPress Weekly live w/ @photomatt @jeffr0 @JJJ (on a plane!) youtube.com/watch?v=ZQCxAT… #WCUS #Gutenberg

  • FLL ✈️ BNA #WCUS #FlightAnxiety #StopItYouAreOk #NoIDontThinkIAmOk #YOLO #WhyDidThisPersonInTheSeatInFrontOfMeTakeOffHisShoes #OhHeyWeLanded

  • @GaleWallace Would love to say hi at #wcus. 🙂

  • Here’s a Twitter list of the @WordCampUS 2018 Speakers: twitter.com/dimensionmedia… #WCUS

  • Long flight/drive? Want to listen to some interviews to get ready for #WCUS? “Future of #Wordpress” @photomatt @wpcrafter youtube.com/watch?v=HnMSJI… “Change Wave” @ryancarson @photomatt educateyourself.libsyn.com/matt-mullenweg Success, WP Business Owners @mattmedeiros mattreport.com/wordpress-podc…

  • Prediction for the most popular #WCUS sponsor swag: ✅ T-shirts ✅ Stickers ✅ Sedatives

  • @topher1kenobe @ModernTribeInc Definitely would like to set something up during or post-#WCUS.

  • Finishing my #WCUS packing. As a Florida resident I’m happy to be bringing for 30F weather my @wpcampusorg thick socks, the @WordCampUS 2015 cap, and not-yet-branded gloves. Someone find me a catwalk.

  • Daughters have assembled the #WordPress Happiness Bars for @WordCampUS. There are “classic” and “#Gutenberg” editions and we even have a little something for vegans! #WCUS

  • Why I’m still looking forward to @WordCampUS (Part 1): – Catch up with folks. – Meet new folks. – Fighting my social anxiety. – See a few talks on topics I want to get into (yep, that’s still a thing). – 🔥🐔 1/2 #WCUS

  • RT @WP101: Due to the newly-announced WordPress 5.0 release schedule, we’ve canceled our trip to Nashville for #WCUS (despite being sponsor…

  • This just in: Happiness Bars I’m bringing to #wcus will now will have additional stress-reducing ingredients. Will also be available in liquid form and as suppositories.

  • New #WordPress 5.0 Update: Now targeted to be released this Thursday (December 6th). 5.0.1 to be a focus at #WCUS contributor day (via @photomatt) make.wordpress.org/core/2018/12/0… #Gutenberg

  • Got my @WordCampUS bingo card ready. #WCUS

  • Weather forecast (°F) for #WCUS. Would love to see ❄️.

  • Guide for those who might overhear conversations between developers at @WordCampUS. #WCUS

  • One of my personal goals for @WordCampUS: Not to eat any of the snack-sized candy from the sponsor tables*. 🍬 vs. 🍌 #WCUS * Lord if there are Kit-Kats give me strength.

  • Got an interesting #WordPress or related project or something to share (#Gutenberg related or not)? I would 💖 to hear about it (and maybe mention it in a future @poststatus newsletter). Ping me and we can find a moment to talk at @WordCampUS. 😄 #WCUS

  • Things i personally noticed looking at @WordCampUS schedule (because i rarely look at these in advance). – After party is Friday night, not Saturday like last year. – Two tracks this year vs three last year. 2018.us.wordcamp.org/schedule/ #WCUS