
  • Some BuddyPress resources I mentioned: buddypress.org/codex bp-tricks.com wordpress.tv/tag/buddypress #wctpa

  • BuddyPress code i showed in my @wordcamptampa talk today can be found here: github.com/dimensionmedia #wctpa

  • BuddyPress developers or ones wanting to build a SaaS in WP… keep an eye on @tryflox from @JJJ. #wctpa

  • Gamification plugins for WordPress: wordpress.org/plugins/achiev… wordpress.org/plugins/mycred/ wordpress.org/plugins/badgeo… #wctpa

  • Google+. #wctpa

  • I can spoke fun at @syedbalkhi in my talk because he’s speaking in the other track right now. #wctpa

  • BuddyPress “Big Wins” #wctpa

  • BuddyPress offers two-way authentic friendship (but “following” users like Twitter is possible via plugin). #wctpa

  • BuddyPress has support for activity streams, which you can modify to suit your particular needs. #wctpa

  • I’ll be live tweeting my own presentation at @wordcamptampa in a few minutes. To fight the loneliness. #wctpa

  • Join me downstairs in 30 min. Talking BuddyPress for newbies, coders, and anyone in between. #wctpa

  • “When it comes to priorities and you have to pick one: performance is more important than design.” @kellyhousholder #wctpa

  • OH: “@wordcamptampa has been orgasmic in a geeky way.” Now THAT’s a testimonial folks. #wctpa

  • “Before starting to (re)design for a client, ask them for their analytics for device / screen resolution info.” @kellyhousholder #wctpa

  • Next up in #wctpa dev track: @kellyhousholder on “The Art of Web Design”

  • Some plugins/tools for creating MVP products: advancedcustomfields.com gravityforms.com easydigitaldownloads.com @davidlaietta #wctpa

  • Free WordPress plugin to setup mailing lists and landing pages. wordpress.org/plugins/ultima… @davidlaietta #wctpa

  • “Rambo Shooting Sprinkles” – it’s either the name of my next rock band or new t-shirt. @davidlaietta #wctpa

  • Nice post. @davidlaietta talks about not having to make some big in WordPress to be successful. torquemag.io/4-21-study/ #wctpa

  • I asked @davidlaietta what the best thing about me was. Priceless reaction. #wctpa

  • Trying to get everyone to attend @syedbalkhi talk at #wctpa so I can just keep my talk, sit back and drink some martinis.

  • Probably the best t-shirt i’ve seen at @wordcamptampa #wctpa (ht @ImMrDubious)

  • “The hard thing is not the writing, it’s making the time to do it. Our excuse get in the way.” @williejackson #wctpa

  • “Best customer you can market to is your CURRENT customer.” @williejackson #wctpa

  • “If you understand what and how people think, then you’ll be much more adapt at marketing and relatable.” @williejackson #wctpa

  • If i heard right, @williejackson stated WP Total Cache has almost 3 million customers. #wctpa

  • Audience listening to @williejackson talking about the rules of publishing and how to break them. #wctpa

  • “People don’t fully understand their own success. We’re all making it up, nobody really knows what they’re doing.” @williejackson #wctpa

  • “Understanding and mastering your craft is a critical competitive advantage.” @williejackson #wctpa

  • Coming up @williejackson talking about “Success in Publishing” #wctpa