
  • Best thing about @wordcamptampa … #wctpa vine.co/v/OKOpwLbYm1F

  • Best thing about @wordcamptampa … #wctpa vine.co/v/OKOXTle7AbH

  • “Work and stress are an addicting drug that you’re paid to do. Nobody like an addict, don’t work so much.” @LennyGale #wctpa

  • Keep work related tasks like email/calls from interfering with routines like breakfast or exercise. #wctpa @LennyGale

  • I don’t think i’ll be able to watch Dumbo again. #wctpa

  • So uh… not sure who will need the most therapy after “The Elephant Dance” at #wctpa. Me, the audience or @sarcasmically.

  • .@LennyGale just tricked me into doing Yoga. It’s a form of exercise in my book, so damn you sir. #wctpa

  • . @nhangen talking about @ignitiondeck and business and pricing lessons they’ve learned. #wctpa

  • . @svesselov leading the WordPress fundamental workshop at @wordcamptampa. #wctpa

  • Looking for quotes from #wctpa attendees (including those watching on live stream) – how was the first @wordcamptampa?

  • Talking about Flagship today at @wordcamptampa – excited to see the launch in a few days. #wctpa

  • .@chrislema “Introduction to Product Pricing” ebook: chrislema.com/store/price-ri… #wctpa

  • Like a midget at a urinal, @chrislema has kept everyone at #wctpa on their toes. @wordcamptampa

  • “We spend months dating before we married – we need to invest as much effort and time in our business partnerships.” @chrislema #wctpa

  • The takeaway of this morning. #wctpa @chrislema

  • “Success in WordPress business and development is willing not to do the same thing you did last year.” @chrislema #wctpa

  • “WordPress changes live in that people are able to work from anywhere in world.” @chrislema #wctpa

  • “WordCamps are the best and nearly only conferences where “rockstars” are accessible and everyone gets huge value.” @chrislema #wctpa

  • “Growth of our business acumen hasn’t been as fast as the growth of our development skills.” @chrislema #wctpa

  • Growth of WordPress – it’s a pretty graph people. #wctpa @chrislema

  • “Most of us treat our careers without thinking or strategy because we “backed” our way into WordPress.” @chrislema #wctpa

  • “Even if someone has an accidental success, they needed to think and plan before they build.” @chrislema #wctpa

  • “We get so excited about a product, theme, or plugin… we forget about supporting that product.” @chrislema #wctpa

  • “Nobody builds a product without thinking about the team you need to build it.” #wctpa @chrislema

  • Kicking off #wctpa. @chrislema kicking it off in changing lives with WordPress.

  • Check out all the photos from @wordcamptampa here: wctpa.wparmchair.com/?allimages=true #wctpa

  • Great @wordcamptampa after party! #wctpa

  • RT @joshlevinson: “Best Slides at .@WordCampTampa Award” goes to .@dimensionmedia – be sure to check out his slides after. #wctpa

  • RT @3YesesSeminars: @dimensionmedia great info on BuddyPress. Thanks #WCTPA

  • My slides for my “Customize BuddyPress” @wordcamptampa presentation: slideshare.net/dimensionmedia… #wctpa