
  • WordCamp Tampa is looking for speakers and sponsors. Happening on Sept. 25th-27th. #wctpa tampa.wordcamp.org/2015/apply-to-… tampa.wordcamp.org/2015/become-a-…

  • Sounds like @LennyGale killed it at #wcorl like he did at #wctpa. Wonder who the elephant was this time. @sarcasmically

  • @norcross give these out at next #wctpa and you’ll have attendees for life.

  • What I (as a WordCamp organizer) thought of @wordcamptampa davidbisset.com/what-i-thought… #wctpa

  • Unpacking lots of stuff from @wordcamptampa. And this is only the stuff that I *DIDN’T* steal. #wctpa

  • Thanks to @markjaquith for his suggestion on BuddyPress caching at #wctpa and letting me affectionally feel the leather on his iPhone case.

  • Got alot of feedback on my “elephant” inspiration. My best comeback: “Yeah, as an actor i had to gain alot of weight for the role.” #wctpa

  • Looking forward to getting serious with Vagrant thanks to @wpscholar. #wctpa

  • . @wordcamptampa was one of the smoothest first time events I’ve attended thanks to these people. #wctpa

  • .@wordcamptampa was awesome. Big thanks to @alisonmf @norcross @sarcasmically and all the other contributors. #wctpa

  • “Clients usually don’t care about a platform… they care about the solution.” @vegasgeek #wctpa

  • “No magic formula to estimating web projects. Break things down as detailed as possible, then estimate those.” @vegasgeek #wctpa

  • Web project estimates = blind optimism. @vegasgeek #wctpa

  • “It’s ok to fire your client.” Print this and hang it on your wall. @wordcamptampa #wctpa

  • “Sending quick notes to clients build trust. In emergencies clients will be more receptive because of that trust.” @vegasgeek #wctpa

  • Special thanks to all of @wordcamptampa sponsors #wctpa

  • Watching @vegasgeek close out @wordcamptampa #wctpa

  • . @wpscholar talking about Vagrant. #wctpa

  • Video (and slides) on getting started with Vagrant from @wpscholar. wpscholar.com/presentations/… #wctpa

  • blitz.io looks like a nice third-party system to load balance test your site. @markjaquith #wctpa

  • WP-Top Plugin: real-time overview of your WordPress application’s performance github.com/soulseekah/wpt… @markjaquith #wctpa

  • Plugin that shows the performance of the WordPress plugins you have installed on your site. (P3) wordpress.org/plugins/p3-pro… @markjaquith #wctpa

  • “Amazon s3 is took geeky for me.” @markjaquith – The #wctpa attendees gasp.

  • WordPress Fragment Caching convenience wrapper gist.github.com/markjaquith/26… @markjaquith #wctpa

  • A WordPress transients interface with support for soft-expiration: github.com/markjaquith/WP… @markjaquith #wctpa

  • High Performance MySQL Tuning Script: mysqltuner.pl @markjaquith #wctpa

  • .@markjaquith WordPress Nginx setup: gist.github.com/markjaquith/04… #wctpa

  • Example of a performance compassion of WordPress hosting. wpsitecare.com/performance-of… #wctpa

  • Anyone attending @markjaquith talk today should consider Chrome DevTools to measure page loads, etc. developer.chrome.com/devtools #wctpa

  • A one-second delay test on Amazon.com would result $1.6 billion in lost sales. Users hate waiting. @markjaquith #wctpa