
  • My slides for my “Contrbuting to WordPress” talk from #wctpa are up. Includes info on Tampa area meetups. davidbisset.com/be-a-part-of-s…

  • If i’m still doing WordCamps in my 60s: track just on accessibility, vitamins in attendee bags, Milk of Magnesia at after-party bar. #wctpa

  • Thanks to everyone who attended my #wctpa session on contributing to WordPress. Enjoy your complementary flyers!

  • Ready to give my “How to Contribute to WordPress” talk at #wctpa. Or the alt. title: “How long is it until the after party?”

  • WordPress devs/designers, read about .screen-reader-text CSS class for screen readers: make.wordpress.org/accessibility/… @iamjolly #wctpa #a11y

  • Make sure someone can use a keyboard with your site. Make sure modal windows, maps, etc. are closeable. @iamjolly #wctpa

  • Great form error handling helps accessibility. Design for failures. @iamjolly #wctpa

  • Simone is a great accessible WordPress theme: wordpress.org/themes/simone/ @iamjolly #wctpa

  • “WordPress by default and its default themes are well accessible.” @iamjolly #wctpa

  • Most designers design just for themselves and don’t think about accessibility. So maybe things will improve then they hit their 60s. #wctpa

  • “People with disabilities are the largest minitiority group on the web, but have $175+ billion in spending power.” @iamjolly #wctpa

  • “1 billion people have a disability on our planet. That’s 1 in 7. 15% of the world’s population.” @iamjolly #wctpa

  • 8-10% of men have some sort of color blindness. @iamjolly #wctpa

  • Think accessibility is limited to just the blind or deaf? Not even close. @iamjolly #wctpa

  • We don’t say “disabled” but instead say “people with disabilities” because they’re people first. @iamjolly #wctpa

  • If you’re asking a question to speaker at the end of talk, don’t be too specific. Ask so others can possibly learn from the answer. #wctpa

  • #wctpa attendees: If you don’t code but want to help out WordPress in BIG ways, come to my talk at 4:10pm. It’ll be fun I promise.

  • “This is how it normally feels to inspect an HTML element on your mobile device.“ @dpjustice #wctpa

  • .@dpjustice turns to SASS and said: “Where have you been all my life?” #wctpa

  • Love the WordPress bat signal. #wctpa

  • “Even though I try not too, at times I take code reviews personally.” So many feels, @norcross. Me too. #wctpa

  • Realize that last pic the “younger” generation might not get, so here’s an alt. picture. Now get off my lawn. #wctpa

  • When I think a team of people are going to review my code in public, this is what i first think of. #wctpa

  • TIL @norcross loves “fancy” arrays. #wctpa

  • Our reviewers ladies and gentlemen. Some great minds here. #wctpa

  • “Don’t fear code reviews. Putting your code in public is nothing to be afraid of.” @norcross #wctpa

  • Nice informative Happiness Bar sign. #wctpa

  • RT @Krogsgard: Q&A means questions for the speaker to answer. Friendly reminder 🙂 #wctpa

  • .@add_action_dan recommending @tommcfarlin “Design Patterns in WordPress: The Singleton Pattern” post: code.tutsplus.com/articles/desig… #wctpa

  • Using OOP code means not repeating yourself. Using OOP code means not repeating yourself. @add_action_dan #wctpa