
  • If you need professional translation service, lingotek.com looks like a great WP solution. @ssorenson13 #wctpa

  • .@wordcamptampa has one of the best video camera setups i’ve seen at any WordCamp. GoPros FTW. #wctpa

  • Want to internationalize your site? Read @Otto42 post “You’re probably doing it wrong” ottopress.com/2012/internati… @ssorenson13 #wctpa

  • Looking for work or want to hire? Stop by the #wctpa job board in front.

  • I personally use Poedit for translation of .po files (works great with WordPress). poedit.net #wctpa

  • No surprise that @wpbeginner has a great presence at @wordcamptampa #wctpa

  • Learning about different ways to translate your site from @ssorenson13 #wctpa

  • . @blainbar showing preview the of Microsoft Azure dashboard coming in “6-8 months”. #wctpa

  • Opps. I meant: Doing @wordcamptampa attendees a favor and trying to NOT view @PrestigeConf live stream on the #wctpa wifi.

  • “How to run Enterprise Grade WordPress on Azure Websites” azure.microsoft.com/blog/2014/05/1… @blainbar #wctpa

  • . @blainbar talking about Azure and apparently giving away xBox games. Woot! #wctpa

  • RT @webdevstudios: @dimensionmedia @daclements check out CMB2. Recoded from the ground up github.com/WebDevStudios/… #wctpa

  • “I don’t do full designs in Photoshop anymore.” @dkinney #wctpa Someone at Adobe just got a shiver down their back.

  • “If you are handing over a site to a client, do future developers a favor and make a style guide.” @dkinney #wctpa

  • .@dkinney recommends gistboxapp.com as a great way to store code snippets (has mobile app) #wctpa

  • sitedrop.com allows you to have a mini-website in Dropbox (good place to keep design patterns). @dkinney #wctpa

  • patterntap.com is a good place to find useful design patterns. @dkinney #wctpa

  • . @dkinney is talking about Designing and Developing for Content. #wctpa

  • I’ll be tweeting alot today, but I don’t want to forget to mention @wordcamptampa has started off great. Kudos to the organizers. #wctpa

  • .@daclements mentions @webdevstudios Custom Metaboxes plugin: github.com/WebDevStudios/… #wctpa

  • Note to conference speakers: don’t use a black background to show off code unless text is white or a bright color. Easier to read. 🙂 #wctpa

  • RT @norcross: hey #wctpa attendees, please mute phones / laptop sound alerts to respect the speakers. thanks!!

  • . @daclements doing a great job talking about child themes and style.css. #wctpa

  • RT @norcross: all #wctpa attendees: wifi network to use is KeiserStudent (open network, no password required)

  • #wctpa folks: you can monitor tweets, photos, and videos from @wordcamptampa at wctpa.wparmchair.com

  • . @daclements starting off the dev track at #wctpa.

  • Everyone at @wordcamptampa will be sharing photos with #wctpa #missionAV.

  • . @alisonmf kicks off #wctpa

  • Odd to see my name on a WordCamp sign as a speaker. #wctpa

  • Like the #wctpa signs.