
  • “A placeholder in a text field in a form is NOT a label. Not very accessible.” @joedolson #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • “Accessibility tip: LABEL EVERYTHING. Including form labels.” @joedolson #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • What REALLY happened. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Got to see two of my favorite people. @kimparsell @pollyplummer #wcsf #wcsf14

  • RT @WordCampSF: We’re going to start back on schedule at 10:30, and hold our 9:45 talks with @saracannon and @rauchg to 5:45. #wcsf14

  • For safety reasons, Lightning talks at #wcsf14 will now be known as “soft, non-flammable” talks. #wcsf

  • Best outdoor unconference ever. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Stood next to @chrislema for a few minutes and got a mobile alert that my Klout score went up. #wcsf14

  • “We built these 30+ sites before WordPress Multisite existed.” Translation: “We were living like filthy animals.” #wcsf14

  • . @kathleencodes rocked her presentation on how @wired is consolidating their blogs and sites. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Very Cool. @WIRED is building a curator app to create one WP install w/ one JSON API. WP flexibly makes these possible. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • .@kathleencodes is talking about making sanity checks. My sanity bank account is currently overdrawn though. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Reasons why you need custom import/export scripts. #wcsf #wcsf14 @kathleencodes

  • Those at #wcsf14 should be able to use UCSFGuest as your wifi. #wcsf

  • “Pangeaaaa!!!!” is the new “khan!!!!!” #wcsf #wcsf14 @kathleencodes

  • RT @WordCampSF: Please put your mobile phones, tablets, and laptops on mute or silent mode PLEASE. #wcsf14

  • “If someone was hired at @wired we had to create that user 32 x 2 times because our blogs were silos.” @kathleencodes #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • . @wired had 99 problems – redirects, old cms, curator apps – oh my! #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • The swag store is already open. Lots and of new design including BUDDYPRESS. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • If you’re a contributor, stop by to get your custom pin. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Now available: wake up juice in lobby. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Early morning setup. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Was quite impressed with the #wcsf volunteers shuttling around speakers/volunteers tonight. Good job folks! #wcsf14

  • Fun running into @kovshenin @no_fear_inc @miss_jwo @JosephaHaden and others at the hotel. Hitting the sack. Early rise tomorrow. #wcsf14

  • Arrived at my #wcsf hotel. Interesting that they supply you with a box of Kleenex and a flashlight bedside… #wcsf14

  • Use this invite in Rooms to see WordCamp San Francisco. Don’t have Rooms? Get it at rooms.me. #wcsf14

  • The potential perfect present for pooped out #wcsf14 volunteers. #wcsf

  • Trying out new Twitter avatar for #wcsf14. Having second thoughts.

  • Whoever is spreading the rumor of me offering to rent VGA <—> Macbook dongles for $50/hr at #wcsf14 … stop it. #wcsf

  • If you’re into Twitter lists, this is a list of all #wcsf14 speakers to monitor at @WordCampSF twitter.com/dimensionmedia… #wcsf