
  • “WordPress powers 23% of the web.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “785 contributors in the past few WordPress releases.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Full house upstairs for @photomatt “State of the Word”. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “WordPress is the Pringles of CMS. One you have one, you can’t stop.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “WordPress use as a CMS is decreasing. It’s use as an app is increasing.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • 2014: non-english downloads of WordPress surpassed english downloads. @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Next year we are having a bigger WordCamp, calling it for now WordCamp US.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • @WordCampSF will be our last WordCamp at Mission Bay. Next year: WordCamp US @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • .@photomatt starts his “State of the Word” #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Your good is someone’s awesome.” Print this and hang this on a wall. @corymiller303 #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Perfectionism is disease and it’s evil. It’s a thief robbing you of publishing good work.” @corymiller303 #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “The only thing trolls ship is criticism.” @corymiller303 #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “I would rather try and fail then never try and live with the regret for the rest of my life.” @corymiller303 #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Clicking publish on WordPress is my metaphor for shipping things in the world.” @corymiller303 #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Great look at a Bangladeshi WordPress Community: wpressians.net @Asif2BD #wcsf #wcsf14

  • I think @Asif2BD has a WordCamp addiction. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • How developers are like Superman: blog.sqlauthority.com/2014/06/01/dev… @Asif2BD #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Was not kidding about my Klout score going up when i’m around @chrislema #wcsf #wcsf14

  • If you liked @pdclark presentation, check out freeburmarangers.org. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • If you enjoyed @pdclark presentation at #wcsf14 this morning, you should also check out his @github page: github.com/pdclark #wcsf

  • “Developers make microphones – the ability to amplify the voices of others.” @pdclark #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Brillant. @pdclark is telling us how a human rights site is using doctors as custom post types for customized reports. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • “The power of open source: WordPress gives tools for people to create great things with little experience.” @pdclark #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “WordPress allows us to store metadata easily so we can create reports for relief missions.” @pdclark #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “We built a system w/ no budget in the jungle by someone who never used a computer. WordPress is that easy to use.” @pdclark #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Our first usability test was done in a hut in the jungle using solar panels.” @pdclark #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Usability trumps sophistication. We are designing for people, not machines.” @pdclark #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Democratizing content means recovering great ideas.” @pdclark #wcsf #wcsf14

  • #wcsf14 upstairs staring now w/ @pdclark #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • .@andrea_r just gave me an awesome “Red Carpet” idea for next @wordcampmiami. #wcmia #wcsf14