
  • Early morning setup. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • @kovshenin I had a dream of waking up early and reading tweets of others waking up early. #wcsf

  • Was quite impressed with the #wcsf volunteers shuttling around speakers/volunteers tonight. Good job folks! #wcsf14

  • Arrived at my #wcsf hotel. Interesting that they supply you with a box of Kleenex and a flashlight bedside… #wcsf14

  • My entire flight is watching the World Series. With booze. And cheering. Not sure, but I might be the only one coding a WP plugin. #wcsf

  • I’m no longer a wifi-on-a-plane virgin. #wcsf

  • Started a new “room” for #wcsf with the new Rooms app. Playing with this now. Join and try the with me. rooms.me/t/WtLrfKy53N/w…

  • Hard to say WordPress isn’t a religion when #wcsf attendees are finding #uber/taxi drivers and attempting to convert them to WP as a CMS.

  • The potential perfect present for pooped out #wcsf14 volunteers. #wcsf

  • Bags packed. Apple Pay setup. And in case want to do something risky and get away with it, a fresh pack of Mentos. #wcsf

  • Whoever is spreading the rumor of me offering to rent VGA <—> Macbook dongles for $50/hr at #wcsf14 … stop it. #wcsf

  • If you’re into Twitter lists, this is a list of all #wcsf14 speakers to monitor at @WordCampSF twitter.com/dimensionmedia… #wcsf

  • “Where are you going daddy?” “WordCamp, kid. In San Francisco.” “Can I come?” “Not this time, sorry.” “You stink, Daddy.” #wcsf

  • @wptavern i would at least mention the #wcsf hashtag in the article. I’m part of the Twitter team and wasn’t planning using the 14 hashtag.

  • Don’t envy what #wcsf organizers must be going through now. It’s all worth it of course.

  • BuddyPress developers – what do you want to talk about at @WordCampSF? bpdevel.wordpress.com/2014/10/21/in-… #wcsf

  • Going to @WordCampSF this weekend? Here’s a Twitter list of all the #wcsf speakers: twitter.com/dimensionmedia…

  • Twitter list of the @WordCampSF speakers: twitter.com/dimensionmedia… #wcsf

  • Figured out to pay for my retina iMac: rent out my #wcsf hotel room to #WorldSeries out-of-towners.

  • Ultimate guides for attending WordCamps (great if upcoming #wcsf is your first). davidbisset.com/ultimate-guide…

  • @modemlooper already there. 🙂 but to be clear, i don’t want to do traditional app dev. BTW, will you be at #wcsf?

  • @dremeda it’ll be my first. i’ll be sitting in the socially awkward section. #wcsf

  • #wcsf “wish i could attend” badges seem sad. Should come with a free “sad trombone” sound (sadtrombone.com). 2014.sf.wordcamp.org/badges/

  • I don’t like seeing me in photos, but I have a “bucket list” of people I want to take pics with at #wcsf.

  • Just wanted to thank @jenmylo @andmiddleton for helping many (including me) with hotel related concerns for #wcsf.

  • #wcsf Viewing Parties for WordPress Meetup Groups make.wordpress.org/community/2014…

  • @andmiddleton @jenmylo no worries. I would like to get your opinion of XOXO at #wcsf and what WP organizers might be able to apply / learn.

  • #wcsf ticket sold out. This guy missed out.

  • #wcsf tickets almost gone. Hurry! Note: If we had devoted 5% of our resources to promoting them, they would have been sold out by now.

  • #wcsf tickets are going so fast you would think they were being protected by (1) Secret Service or (2) Oakland Raiders.