
  • “The State of the Swag” will follow @photomatt “State of the Word” tomorrow at #wcsf14. #wcsf

  • When you get enough WordCamp swag that it warrants a trip to Ikea to expand your storage space. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • socket.io-emitter allows you to communicate with socket.io servers easily: github.com/automattic/soc… @rauchg #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Unsurprisingly, the #wcsf14 job board is full of people looking to hire. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Realtime application definition: 1) data needs to update with minimal latency 2) User doesn’t need interact for app to update @rauchg #wcsf

  • Fluffy wins! @markjaquith #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Highly recommend you check out @markjaquith @norcross WordPress plugin for organizing animated GIFS: gifdrop.com #wcsf #wcsf14

  • .@markjaquith example plugin showing off wp.Backbone.View: github.com/markjaquith/Sh… #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Those new to Backbone.js might want to cheek out these free videos: @WPSessions wpsessions.com/sessions/wordp… (thank @rzen) #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Liking what you hear from #wcsf14 speakers so far? Here’s a Twitter list of all speakers to follow: twitter.com/dimensionmedia… #wcsf

  • “People are using mobile apps. Web isn’t going away, but needs to up its game.” @markjaquith #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Turnout upstairs at #wcsf is impressive.

  • The future of APIs is bright. Developers, get your hands dirty now with them. @HotchkissWeb #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Dear @HotchkissWeb – you had me at “chocolate proof touch screen.” #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Sites of knitters? Is @andrea_r watching @HotchkissWeb right now? #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Idea of controlling the presentation of your data is dying. Make things open and free instead.” @HotchkissWeb #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Planning on dumping all #wcsf swag on my hotel bed tonight and making a “swag angel”. #wcsf14

  • “It’s ok to not know. Experts dont know nearly everything.” @mcguive7 #WCSF #wcsf14

  • “When we share our problems, we tap into a massive resource. Community has alot of answers to share.” @McGuive7 #wcsf #wcsf14

  • .@mcguive7 “You’re doing awesome by being here and spending time learning more.” #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Fixing a marriage and coding are similar: fix one thing at a time and keep an audit trail. @miss_jwo #wcsf #wcsf14

  • .@miss_jwo doing a great job in explaining debugging in her #wcsf14 lightning talk. #wcsf

  • Thanks to the JSON API, I think a big future of WordPress is just using it as a admin and/or content handler. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Like the last seasons of LOST, the JSON API authentication and pagination have been “unsatisfying”. @kadamwhite #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Having a platform like WordPress that people are familiar with saves app building time.” @kadamwhite #WCSF #wcsf14

  • .@kadamwhite built ExpressPress – demo of how WordPress can be used to provide content for a Node.js app: github.com/kadamwhite/exp… #wcsf

  • “We didn’t build a WordPress site, but we used WordPress content editing with the WP-API project.” @kadamwhite #wcsf

  • You can @helenhousandi smile as she talks about “herding cats”. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • Loving that most (so far) #wcsf14 presentations aren’t all full of animated GIFs. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Without music – or the great user experience – code is just code. A good user experience and technique is vital.” @helenhousandi #wcsf