
  • Use P3 Profiler to detect and avoid slow plugins for your WordPress site. bit.ly/znv3mU #wcsf

  • Nice. @designsimply is showing off “Zen Mode” in WordPress (removes distractions). Doesn’t work on wife or kids. #wcsf

  • .@vnsavage is up now talking about High-Performance WordPress. Looks like Seth MacFarlane. #wcsf

  • Please limit your #wcsf questions to actual QUESTIONS. Not the time to talk about your site or some “bug” in “something”.

  • Photoshop is probably the WORST way to optimize images. Save To Web isn’t good enough. #wcsf

  • Group pinky swearing with myself. #wcsf @chriscoyier

  • Apps that can optimize your image: Mac – imageoptim.com PC – pnggauntlet.com #wcsf @chriscoyier

  • Waiter, i’ll have whatever @chriscoyier had right before he gave his #wcsf presentation. He’s going about 200mph.

  • gzipwtf.com will tell you what’s not being gzipped on your server. #wcsf @chriscoyier

  • Turn on HTTP compression. Cache stuff. Losslelssly optimize images. Combine CSS and JS. #wcsf @chriscoyier

  • “80% of the time it takes for a page to load, it deals with the front-end code.” @chriscoyier #wcsf

  • “The first thing I did was mess up.” @chriscoyier #wcsf

  • Love the way @pjadavies pronounces “schedule”. He’s up now introducing #wcsf.

  • RT @petemall: Engineering happiness #wcsf

  • In honor of the livestream music being played, i’m making myself a mojito. #wcsf

  • Less than 15 minutes until #wcsf starts. If you gotta pee, pee now.

  • Live tweeting #wcsf today? You might want to send your non-WP followers this: yfrog.com/nvpu4xgj

  • In honor of the start of WordCamp San Francisco, i present “Good Guy WCSF” yfrog.com/odpcqddfj #meme #wcsf

  • Just setup a chatroom especially for those watching the #wcsf livestream. Open this in a browser tab for the day: tlk.io/wcsf

  • Armchair WordCampers: Big weekend – make sure to follow WordCamp San Francisco today. Livestream available. #wcsf

  • In honor of #wcsf, two good posts on getting the most out of WordCamps: bit.ly/MJmScZ and bit.ly/OweOPl

  • Trying to go light on tweets today. Instead i’m doing warmup exercises for #wcsf tomorrow.

  • @petemall and this point it’s probably easier to ask who isn’t going to #wcsf

  • Like WordPress? Have a decent internet connection? Have a PULSE? Then checkout #wcsf livestream: bit.ly/MCk9G4

  • #wcsf sold out of LIVESTREAM tickets? Didn’t think that was even possible. bit.ly/o9XZpu

  • #wcsf schedule for this weekend. Going to be fun watching this on live stream. bit.ly/MP1ABa

  • Nice list of WordCamp San Francisco speakers this year. bit.ly/LyjySh #wcsf

  • @theandystratton hear the flights to #WCSF are a small fortune now. going to Pressnomic myself. Watching #wcsf on live stream.

  • Apparently #wcsf became the WWDC for WordPress folks.

  • @boone same here. i see 6 remaining. was able to buy a livestream tix a few minutes ago. #wcsf