
  • 44 million downloads of WordPress in the past year. 145,000,000 total downloads. #wcsf

  • Best impact change to WordPress[dot]org: focus on support threads/buttons. More forums topics solved in 3 months then in prev year. #wcsf

  • #wcsf @photomatt talking about adding headers to plugin download pages. “Allowed people to make plugins their own.” @photomatt

  • Matt mentions “Mindless Eating” book. “Most people overeat by 100 calories a day”. Book: amzn.to/NgyUMB #wcsf

  • The first WordCamp was planned with 3 weeks notice. 50+ WordCamps last year, 31 so far this year. 75 total in 2012. #wcsf @photomatt

  • State of the Word beings. Witness the wonder of the hair of @photomatt yfrog.com/es60807300p #wcsf

  • @ArrowRootMedia thank you kind sir. feel free to put a tip in the jar. #wcsf

  • Achievement unlocked: Watching the #wcsf stream at a WordPress meetup = Wordception.

  • Dedicated to those who had or still having #wcsf livestream issues: yfrog.com/od92894661j

  • Best way to see if something could be integrated into BuddyPress? Make the code into a plugin, and see how popular that gets. #wcsf

  • BuddyPress Welcome Pack plugin mentioned. bit.ly/qt8VQj #wcsf

  • BuddyPress 1.7 is “going to be huge” and we’ll see “massive growth” due to WordPress theme integration. #wcsf @pgibbs

  • @Japh @Viper007Bond how about yfrog.com/odqojdxj #wcsf

  • BuddyPress 1.6 uses akismet to catch spam in activity stream, catching ALOT of spam at testbp.org. #wcsf

  • .@pgibbs talking about Bridgebook – BuddyPress was a good solution over Facebook’s age restrictions and keeping things seperated. #wcsf

  • Best BuddyPress sites list from @pgibbs at #wcsf: yfrog.com/kguwmqp

  • Key to growth of BuddyPress: v1.2 was the first you could use in WordPress without WPMU. #wcsf @pgibbs

  • BuddyPress downloads are now over 1.3 million. It’s proven to be a “strong and popular” platform. #wcsf @pgibbs

  • #wcsf livestream appears to be back. Just in time for @pgibbs talking about BuddyPress.

  • Can’t see live stream of #wcsf but can see live tweets. Is NBC a sponsor of #wcsf? Is there a tape delay?

  • Did the livestream brake because someone attempted to cross the (live)streams? #wcsf

  • “How many people successfully intergrated BBPress 1.0 and WordPress?” @JJJ asks. Two people raise their hands. #wcsf

  • #wcsf @JJJ is a sharp dressed man: yfrog.com/hwe3osp

  • Can’t wait for @pgibbs and @JJJ BuddyPress/BBPress talks at #wcsf. They need their own show.

  • Good Guy @WordCampSF yfrog.com/odqojdxj #wcsf

  • Backgrounds in @designsimply #wcsf presentation were from colourlovers.com

  • Easter Egg in comparing post revisions in WordPress. bit.ly/NsJFuq @designsimply #wcsf

  • If you haven’t tried live previews for themes (new to 3.4) you are missing alot. Do it. @designsimply #wcsf

  • Automatic win for @designsimply for using all the cat photos in her presentation. Best way to get +1s in a presentation. #wcsf

  • Memcached Object Cache and WP Super Cache recommended by @vnsavage #wcsf links: bit.ly/p9qZwW bit.ly/Ce5EZ