
  • Dreamhost just got served. #wcsf (but hacks happen to every host, to be fair).

  • Looking to harden/increase security on your WordPress site, start with this page in the WP Codex: bit.ly/TI8sK #wcsf

  • The same people who are paralyzed in not upgrading WordPress are still running Windows XP/vista on their PCs. #wcsf #PCversion

  • The same people who are paralyzed in not upgrading WordPress are still running Windows XP/7 on their PCs. #wcsf #PCversion

  • The same people who are paralyzed in not upgrading WordPress are still running Snow Leopard on their Macs. #wcsf

  • In one hour, someone will have a rick-roll “UPDATE WORDPRESS” plugin thanks to @photomatt. #wcsf

  • “We have a veggie line for lunch this year. I find it pretty funny it’s on the left.” @photomatt #wcsf

  • Want real-time editing Google-like editting in WordPress? Then get involved. #wcsf

  • .@photomatt wants automatic Chrome-like WordPress updates. @wpengine already does this, and pretty well. #wcsf

  • RT @nacin: Welcome to the Make WordPress Mobile blog — make.wordpress.org/mobile/2012/08… #wcsf

  • “I *used* to be jealous of Firefox. Now it’s Chrome.” Ouch. #wcsf

  • The Community Summit is like the Justice League of WordPress. So who’s Aquaman? #wcsf

  • .@photomatt wants more timely releases. My wife says something similar to me about the lawn. #wcsf

  • Sites using WordPress jumps from 14% to 16.7% of the net in the past year. #wcsf

  • University of Washington map run by WordPress. Each building is a custom post type. bit.ly/cRPijj #wcsf

  • 2007-2011 WordPress was a CMS. Beyond 2012, @photomatt sees WordPress as “an app engine”. #wcsf

  • #wcsf Rolling Stones and Bruce Springsteen now use WordPress. Tom Petty, you’re next.

  • Medians of website cost: Small business website $2500, non-profits $2000, large biz $4200. #wcsf

  • Here’s the breakout of user types of those who took the WordPress survey. Interesting results. yfrog.com/odp95jp #wcsf

  • 66% said they used WordPress *just* as a CMS. #wcsf

  • Responses from WordPress survey: 27k from 158 countries (2/3 from outside the US). One response from North Korea. #wcsf

  • Big need in WordPress today: “There hasn’t been a ton of community effort around the mobile apps so far.” @photomatt #wcsf

  • 5 million downloads of @wordpress mobile apps downloaded. Impressive. #wcsf

  • 2 of the 6 platforms @photomatt talked about last year don’t exist anymore. Times change quickly. #wcsf

  • Ladies, @photomatt can’t even pronounce “marrying”. Sorry. #wcsf

  • .@photomatt mentions the Core Contributor Handbook. Here’s the link: make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/ #wcsf

  • WordPress 3.5 is being released on Dec. 5th. #wcsf

  • Blog for WordPress UI development: make.wordpress.org/ui/ #wcsf

  • I guess Apple didn’t need to sponsor. #wcsf @photomatt

  • Twenty Twelve theme being shown by @photomatt. Here’s the live demo: bit.ly/NhTIYD #wcsf