
  • Theme Unit Test information link: bit.ly/9t7ftZ #wcsf

  • #wcsf @ryanimel mentioned Monster Widget: bit.ly/JHX7Ly and Debug Bar bit.ly/dUkjXn for testing themes.

  • I remember when Kubrick WordPress theme was new to the world. Feeling old. Get off my lawn. #wcsf

  • Is plaid the official shirt of #wcsf? yfrog.com/hw9gtip #wcsf

  • hmm. No custom post type functionality with the mobile apps “anytime soon”. @isaackeyet #wcsf

  • You don’t have to code to help out w/ WordPress mobile. You can help translate, etc. make.wordpress.org/mobile #wcsf @isaackeyet

  • Glad to hear from @isaackeyet that effort is being put into making the WP admin retina ready and responsive. #wcsf

  • View get.wp.com/app from your mobile phone, and you’ll automatically (no pun intended) get the right app to download. #wcsf

  • Impressed w/ upcoming WordPress for iOS (iPad). Shots: yfrog.com/khl3zqp yfrog.com/kfqjrxp yfrog.com/oemfapp #wcsf

  • Sweet. WordPress for iOS is getting “biggest update” next week. Screenshot: @isaackeyet yfrog.com/nxrufep #wcsf

  • All WordPress mobile apps have been downloaded over 5,000,000 times. @isaackeyet #wcsf

  • Next up is @isaackeyet on “State Of Mobile”. yfrog.com/kfndbtp #wcsf

  • It just wouldn’t be a WordCamp without a #blamenacin. yfrog.com/nzvntxij #wcsf @nacin

  • @williamsba Agreed. Without seeing humans during the #wcsf breaks, already feeling lonely.

  • Live chat is peanut butter. Livestream is chocolate. Next #wcsf someone combine both. Call it Project Reese’s Pieces.

  • Tweets have slowed down from #wcsf. BBQ Coma?

  • Cool. @Viper007Bond SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin was mentioned by @_mfields. Link: bit.ly/D8Pbg #wcsf

  • Nice. @_mfields is showing off a great theme: Portfolio Press bit.ly/doklWh #wcsf

  • WP Core Contributions Widget mentioned: bit.ly/NaYtjy @_mfields #wcsf

  • jQuery Deferred Object documentation: bit.ly/hEo3lE #wcsf

  • in jQuery, use $.Deferred() when state gets more complex. @apeatling #wcsf

  • Like a midget at a urinal, AJAX will keep PHP developers on their toes (by the way it processes code). @apeatling #wcsf

  • .@randyhoyt is talking about a subordinate child post relationship. Insert joke about my kids here. #wcsf

  • Learning more about custom post types from @randyhoyt. He’s off to a good start. #wcsf

  • Great slides from @vnsavage on High Performance WordPress from #wcsf slidesha.re/NaVQ1f

  • Needs more cowbell. RT @photomatt: Jazz at #wcsf during lunch, feeds the soul wp.me/p4-15Q

  • Looking for a WordPress job? See @LindyNorris twitter stream for photos of the #wcsf job board. bit.ly/OzEQ4g

  • This is dedicated to the question about @photomatt hair at #wcsf: yfrog.com/obvi4earj

  • @techguy i doubt the money is the #1 people aren’t upgrading from Windows. Windows 8’s ~$30 upgrade price will be the ultimate test. #wcsf

  • Man asking about unit testing. Automated Testing page on Core Contirubtor Handbook. bit.ly/OzA6LV #wcsf