
  • #wpidea Create a one-stop hosted solution for conferences that want a social site for their attendees to communicate and interact. #wcsf

  • Looking forward to @noeltock talk about @happytables yfrog.com/gzyrywmp #wcsf

  • Wow. @grist has had 14 major releases of it’s theme, hasn’t gone down, & grown 101% since Sept 2011. #wcsf

  • “WordPress allowed us to develop a better to-do list.” @mattoperry #wcsf yfrog.com/kg1d7mp

  • Feedback after @grist move to @WordPress – “Posting doesn’t suck anymore.” @mattoperry #wcsf

  • .@mattoperry talking on porting Grist from Expression Engine->WP & how important limiting scope is. #wcsf yfrog.com/mg1sxp

  • “A frog in water… doesn’t feel it boil in time… Dude, we are that frog.” @mattoperry #wcsf

  • CSS3 gradients were mentioned, here’s a good post to get you up to speed: bit.ly/9jjZhD #wcsf @drewstrojny

  • Forge, open source toolkit for developing WordPress themes w/ SASS & LESS: bit.ly/nLfse6 #wcsf @drewstrojny

  • “Whose’s this @nacin guy? Ignore him, he’s just trying to get his hands on your code.” @drewstrojny #blamenacin #wcsf

  • Don’t use percentage based widths. That math is too hard, anyways. #whatNOTtodo @drewstrojny #wcsf

  • Forget about mobile designs. Phones are for talking. #whatNOTtodo @drewstrojny #wcsf

  • Tweeting tips from @drewstrojny makes it difficult. Just think opposite. #wcsf

  • Next up: @drewstrojny, who is built like a Ford truck. yfrog.com/odahemp #wcsf

  • Hands down, @adii killed it. One of the best talks so far. Made me wish he could have gone on for another hour. #wcsf

  • If you put a crappy plugin/theme or don’t follow conventions, users will complain & blame that on WordPress. #wcsf @adii

  • Be a good ambassador. Stick to native code UI and conventions. #wcsf @adii

  • Running a business is great, but you’ll get “warm fuzzies” if you contribute to WordPress core. #wcsf @adii

  • Loving that hat @Ipstenu yfrog.com/gy51794632p #wcsf

  • Make upgrade routes obvious to free products. Conversation rate from free to paid themes isn’t much. #wcsf @adii

  • Freemium is a distribution channel only. You still need a real revenue model. #wcsf @adii

  • “There is great people writing great code. The trick is supporting that, giving peace of mind to your users.” @adii #wcsf

  • Users pay for support and services. Tech and coding are just bonuses. #wcsf @adii

  • Only clean code can scale. Avoid bloat. Learn to say no to certain user requests. Remove old/bad features. @adii #wcsf

  • Open-source economics = “there’s no such thing as fast or easy money”. @adii #wcsf

  • Business Of Code rule: “Learn To Speak Geek”. @adii #wcsf

  • “4 Years, 22 WooPeeps, 260k Users, 3 Million+ Downloads” – @adii talking about Business Of Code. yfrog.com/oeurqbsp #wcsf

  • OH: “Watching great #wcsf speakers when wearing only boxer shorts is great. Oh, there’s a livestream too you say?”

  • If your options page on your custom WP theme takes literally 10 sec to SCROLL DOWN, you need help. #wcsf

  • “Theme Options Porn” according to @ryanimel – themeoptions.wordpress.com #wcsf